The Bachelorette Golden Episode 3 is here, and the show is already one of my shows

The Bachelorette Golden Episode 3 is here, and the show is already one of my shows

Golden Bachelorette Episode 3 is here, and the show is already one of my favorite seasons of The Bachelor ever. Joan Vassos sets her on her journey for her second great love and she really does a great job. With 14 men remaining through the third week, Joan began focusing on suitors with whom she could see a possible future. From two romantic one-on-one dates to a crazy group date, here’s everything that happened during Episode 3 of The Golden Bachelorette!

Quick trip to Las Vegas also known as Paris

While the men loved their time with Joan, they didn’t get the best sleep. Many of them complained of waking up due to snoring and others waking up throughout the night. Pascal, on the other hand, has a hard time taking care of himself at the palace. While the other men cook, clean, and do the laundry, Pascal asks everyone to do it for him. It’s really high maintenance!

Fortunately for the rest of the guys, they got some time off to take care of Pascal when he was selected to participate in the first one-on-one match. Joan rolled up to the palace in a red convertible, and Pascal was very happy to see her. The date was perfect for Bougie Pascal, as Joan planned to take him to Las Vegas for the day. By private jet no less! After arriving in Vegas, Joan takes Pascal to the famous Paris Hotel, which suits him because he was born in Paris. The pair spent a fun day trying on new outfits and dancing, with Pascal even claiming he felt like he was in the movie Pretty Women. It is really something else!

Back at the mansion, Charles L. and Gary decide to take a field trip to a local pharmacy to fix their sleeping problems. The men loaded up on eye masks, earplugs and melatonin in hopes of keeping noise levels low during the night. This was probably my favorite scene from this episode. Anyway, during the night portion of Joan and Pascal’s date, he opened up about how he got to where he is today. While Pascal grew up in Paris, his family struggled with money, making him determined to create a better life for himself in the United States. Joan was touched by his story and later gave him the rose.

The Golden Bachelorette Quaker Oats Kick Bowl takes place during Episode 3

The Golden Bachelorette Episode 3
Image Source: Disney Via Jill Mingason

This week’s group date was a football game, also known as The Golden Bachelorette Quaker Oats Kick Bowl. Keith is thrilled because he loves starting his morning with Quaker Oats. You just have to love these guys. The 12 men are divided into two teams, red and blue. In the midst of the chaos, several men pulled muscles and slightly hurt themselves. But that didn’t stop them from playing hard, and as Chuck pointed out, there wasn’t anything they wouldn’t do for Joan. After a close match, the Blue Team emerged victorious and won in overtime at an afterparty with Joan.

While the Red Team was upset about having to go back to the Palace, the Blue Team was ecstatic about overtime. Charles L. used his time with Joan to talk about an important conversation he had with Guy at the palace. Just before his wife died, Charles noticed blood dripping from her mouth. For years, Charles had worried that he had missed something, and as an emergency room physician, Jay was able to provide some clarity to Charles and explain that his wife may have bitten her tongue. Charles was grateful to Guy for the clarification and Joan was equally grateful to Charles for his openness.

Before continuing the rest of the conversations, Joan received a disturbing call from home. Joan’s 92-year-old mother, Mary, was ill, which quickly made Joan feel sad and even guilty. Fortunately, the men were there to help lift Joan’s spirits. Gary assured Joan that he would pray for Mary, while Jill talked about adopting his daughter. At the end of the date, Joan decided to give the group the name “Rose” for Jill.

Riding with Jonathan

The Golden Bachelorette Episode 3
Image Source: Disney Via Eric Mccandless

Jonathan was the lucky recipient of the week’s second duo date, although he didn’t look too lucky. After hearing his name on the date card, Jonathan admitted that he was hoping to be on the group date. In all the years I’ve been watching seasons of Bachelor Nation, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone say that before.

Joan surprised Jonathan by riding horses on their date, even though they were both newbies. Jonathan has never ridden a horse, while Joan has an inherent fear of them. However, the duo beat the activity together and enjoyed a fun ride through the fields. Back at the mansion, Kim tries to encourage the men to join him in rehearsing a song for Joan that he wrote called The Mansion Men. None of the men want to do it except Kim, who is frustrated.

After taking a break from the horses, Jonathan talked to Joan about his divorce. Jonathan explained that his feelings during the divorce resurfaced when he was packing his bags before the date. Now I understand why he was unsure about a one-on-one encounter. Joan assured Jonathan that she wanted him there and offered him the rose, which he gladly accepted.

A surprise visitor at the rose ceremony

The Golden Bachelorette Episode 3
Image Source: Disney Via Jill Mingason

Despite the wonderful week she had with the guys, Joan still had a hard time making her way to the rose ceremony. She felt that even though men were vulnerable to her, she wasn’t doing the same in return. As a result, Joan decided to get some things off her chest before the night started. Joan sat with the men and admitted that she missed her family and explained how much she worried about her mother. Furthermore, Joan explained that although she desires love, she cannot give one hundred percent because of her love for her husband, John.

The men were more than understanding of Joan’s feelings. Chuck pulled her in first and told her he was always there for her. Gary then surprised Joan with a prayer he wrote for Mary, who has since improved. Charles L. took the big step of showing Joan a photo of his wife, which she appreciated.

Bachelor Nation fans know that no episode can go too long without any development. It was a shock when Bachelor Gold Gerry Turner popped in to chat with Joan. Despite their breakup, Jerry and Joan remained good friends. Jerry explained that he wanted to give Joan some advice and support. She was happy to see him and the visit seemed to lift her spirits. Joan’s mood was even higher when Jay decided to join Kim in performing “The Mansion Men.”

Unfortunately for Kim, his efforts were in vain as he was eliminated along with Greg and Charles K at the rose ceremony. But he didn’t forget to sing on his way out!

Bachelor Gold continues Wednesdays at 8/7c on ABC.


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