Isabella Strahan details memory loss amid cancer treatment

Isabella Strahan details memory loss amid cancer treatment

Isabella Strahan You deal with a new side effect during cancer treatment.

Michael StrahanThe daughter — who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma in October, a malignant tumor at the base of the brain — shared that the new medications she’s taking are affecting her memory, causing her to spend seemingly entire days out of her mind.

“I don’t remember Tuesday, because I was given this medication to protect my hearing and just because I had a reaction to it, they gave me Ativan,” Isabella said in a video she posted on her YouTube channel on May 22. And for some reason – this happened the last time too – I can’t remember a single thing about that day.

She said in her video update on May 21 that she started taking Ativan (also known as lorazepam) to help combat the effects of the other drug. She explained that the drug, which she did not name, and which is subject to clinical trials, according to what the teenager says, protects her hearing, but makes her experience ?? “Strictly” meaning that she started to shiver and became very cold.

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