Bedtime Love Story Title I Release My Soul, Oh Soul of Heart

Bedtime Love Story Title I Release My Soul, Oh Soul of Heart

Life is impossible without love, love is impossible without sacrifice, and sacrifice is impossible without suffering. You find the pain of sacrifice for a loved one without complaint, voice or moaning, because it is a precious and precious thing.

A lover who loves sincerely finds his heart and the heart of the one he loves except you see him as a shining beacon even at his own expense.

The sacrifice that a loving woman makes for her family sets an example for us, because it cannot see womanhood without its maternal secret and motherhood, a family that feels the wings of kindness and tenderness that its Creator has deposited in the woman of the house.


One of the most beautiful bedtime love stories you will ever read…

After twenty years of marriage he feels hot and bothered and one day he makes the final decision to talk to his wife and end everything between them, contrary to his habit he comes straight home from work…

His wife happily said: “Just a few more seconds and I will prepare lunch for you.”

Husband: “I don’t want to right now. There is something important I want to talk to you about.”

“Come in, my dear,” said the wife audibly.

So Swami began to discourse on his purpose, saying: “I want to speak to you frankly about a very important matter, I have tried my best to provide you with everything you need for the past few years and I have not neglected a single day that, but now I can’t take it anymore and I don’t want to lose the rest of my life, because the kids are grown and you all can’t live without me. Leave you alone, but I’ll give you enough money and more money.”

The wife sat and listened to him, calm as usual, and did not even try to defend herself, although she was sure that he had been with another woman and what she had done for him, she told him: “I only want one month from you. First I asked you “something”.

Surprised by her request, the husband asked her: “Why a month?!” What can happen in a month?!”

His wife told him: “Consider it the ultimate reward of service.”

The husband fell silent and nodded that he agreed. Here the wife said: “God reward you best, but I want you to have lunch with us every day this month and after lunch I want you to take me. You have the freedom to do what’s left in our bedroom, and then from today.”

The husband was surprised at her request and asked her the reason for all this, so his wife said to him: “You promised me and gave me your word only for one month, and I do not want anything more from you after that.”

He told himself that as long as it was a month he would be able to do whatever he wanted. He came home straight from work the next day. He found his children, sitting in the kitchen with them and talking about food, and their mother. Lunch would answer questions

As soon as it was over, he came to her, put his hand around her neck, picked her up, gently placed her on the bed, and left the room. Note the hair strands!

At the beginning of the whole first week of the month, he was disturbed by her strange request that he may return to his house, to his wife and his children. So he asked her about it, and she replied that it was just a headache reliever after the deal between them.

One day, while he was at home, he received a reply from his wife, so he received it and he received an urgent request from the hospital, so he called them and discovered a disaster!

They wanted his wife to fill out the necessary paperwork for surgery to remove the tumor, and the doctor who would do it had only two days left to leave the country, without which her eyes would fill with tears. Months of headache did not relieve them.

He went back to his wife crying, fell asleep kissing her hand and forehead and woke up worried about what he had done!

He asked her why she hid her illness from him and why she chose to live a month with her contract without seeking treatment, and she answered him weakly: “What’s the use if I accept treatment and continue living alone?” ?! For this month, I was so happy with you, it was like the best reward for me.”

Tears flowed from her eyes, and she hugged him tightly and said: “I swear by Almighty God, for every white hair on your head in this house of mine and for my children, whom I am proud of, I am proud that you have raised them and The years of your labor and effort you neglected, and the years of your life spent here while you were silent, sacrificed for us and for all.. “I took a painkiller. As long as I live, I will compensate for everything.”

In fact, he was true to his promise, and he underwent surgery and succeeded in finding the woman he had promised to marry before and focused on his precious wife and his children.

For more bedtime love stories, you can read them on our humble website via:

A long bedtime story titled I Fell in Love with a Psycho!

And also read fictional bedtime stories for adults titled Love and Lies!

Bedtime romantic love story titled I Loved Little

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