viagramof - Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri said that the Italian Cup final

viagramof – Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri said that the Italian Cup final

The Juventus coach held his usual pre-match press conference on Wednesday, and first said of the negative performance against Salerentana: “We have achieved our goal of reaching the Champions League. Let us hope that tomorrow evening will be better.”

He continued: “The Italian Cup finals are always equal in luck between two teams, knowing that matches do not always end as you expect. We know that there will be difficult moments in every match.”

Allegri: Juventus will need to be good and maybe lucky against Atalanta

When asked about Juventus’ assessment that it is the least likely to win the match tomorrow, he said: “Football is wonderful because in a moment everything can turn in your favor or against you, just as happened to us this season.”

Max added: “Right now, everyone thinks that Atalanta are the favourites, and for us, tomorrow could be our last final. It will take clarity and focus. The best team will win and then we will all shake hands.”

Regarding his evaluation of the season, he said: “I repeat, to the point of boredom, that Juventus’s main goal this season was to prepare to compete in the next Champions League. There are moments in life when you cannot win but you can still reach positivity. We will see if we win tomorrow.” “We will need to be good and maybe a little lucky.”

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