Why is this self-care tool better than positive thinking?

Why is this self-care tool better than positive thinking?

Sometimes, we can be our own worst critics.

That’s why Healing Coach Sarit’s hair She doesn’t necessarily recommend practicing “positive thinking” until you’ve mastered a more actionable self-care tool.

She told E! “I think positive thinking is a good thing, but it is not limited to a specific technical skill.” Al Khabar in an exclusive interview. “Because I can say, ‘I’m going to be rich one day.’ But it’s like I’m telling myself a lie.”

Instead, Sarit wants people to recognize the way they talk to themselves.

“Listen to your inner dialogue throughout the day,” she shared. “The first step I would tell anyone is to record your thought pattern – every thought you have about yourself. Our inner dialogue reflects our vibrations. If I have confidence, but my inner dialogue says, ‘Everyone here looks like this.’ Much better than me,” he would It resonates and people will do it Feel “Which.”

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