Why doesn't maternity style suit pregnant Campbell? "Bucky"

Why doesn’t maternity style suit pregnant Campbell? "Bucky"

Don’t worry, Pokey still looks absolutely gorgeous. But if the TikTok star is pregnant, Campbell Pocket She is honest, and plans to spend a romantic night while she is waiting for her first child with her husband. Jet Pocket Not quite as hot as I expected.

“It was very difficult, and I would say it was more than I expected,” the 32-year-old actress admitted in an exclusive interview with E! News. “I thought it would be more natural.”

It’s not that she wasn’t up to the occasion, as she’s spent the past few months impressing her husband of six years with a mix of flowy dresses and tight-fitting outfits.

The Atlanta resident said the biggest challenge is knowing every morning, “Do I wear something baggy or do I wear something loose?”

Comfortable usually wins.

“I like to be comfortable, chic and effortless, and that’s usually my go-to style,” Campbell explained, noting that she’s keen to let her 20-plus-week belly “get bigger so it becomes the focus of the outfit.”

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