Why did Joan Vassos remove the bed from the Imagination Suite?

Why did Joan Vassos remove the bed from the Imagination Suite?

Golden Bachelorette Joan Vasos She remained firm in her decisions about how she wanted to find love. Her method involves removing the family from the imagination for a very specific purpose – to allow it to focus on “emotional intimacy.”

Joan has previously admitted wanting to focus on making emotional connections above physical ones in her search for love. For this reason, she wanted to be clear about her physical limits.

There is no family and no nights to spend together on Golden Bachelorette

The Golden Bachelorette shared her thoughts with US Weekly and defended her decision to move the family out of Fantasy Suites. Fantasy Suites are known for their open invitation to “spend the night together” or take it to the “next level,” but Joan didn’t want that option.

For her, “sex was off the table.”

“I’m not someone who can have a physical relationship with more than one person,” Joan explained. “I wanted it to be agreed that we would talk and have the conversations we needed off camera. We didn’t spend the night together.”

Hence there are no beds in the wards. Remove temptation and send a clear message. Additionally, it helped her get to know men better. Not a bad idea considering one of the suitors had previously had a restraining order issued against him.

Joan was thankful that none of her fiancés questioned her decision. Some of them even approved of her choice.

“You have to think that the person you’re potentially going to end up with probably doesn’t want to think if you’ve slept in the last week with the guy he’s hooking up with,” she explained. “It’s strange.”

Although Joan has officially broken the mold, she has no problem with previous main characters who did things her way. Or those who have used the wings of imagination in other ways.

“Everyone has to do it their way,” she said. “Each of us needs to engineer the journey that works best for us.”

The Golden Bachelor airs Wednesdays at 8pm ET on ABC.

TELL US – Do you think this is a good way to keep emotions less overwhelming? Do you agree with Joan’s choice?

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