Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 recap. In

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 recap. In

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 recap. In this week’s episode, called “Walking a Tightrope,” the ladies rehash the events of Lisa’s Besos party. Lisa, Bronwyn, and Heather go through the drive-thru at Wendy’s, and Heather becomes suspicious of Bronwyn’s energy. Angie and Lisa meet for lunch to discuss what went down at the Besos party, but Lisa gets defensive and ends up walking out. Heather plans an adventure outing to try to do some team-building with the women, but everything falls apart when they start arguing at dinner. Here are some of the highlights from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2.

Heather’s suspicious of Bronwyn’s “energy”

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

Lisa and Bronwyn are in Lisa’s Mercedes-Benz G-Class discussing the Galentine’s party. Bronwyn has her dog Freddie with her. When Lisa mentions Britani, Bronwyn admits, “She came in a little hot with me, and more so with Mary.”

Within 30 seconds of meeting the two women, Britani stuck her foot in her mouth at least three times! It was a lot for Bronwyn.

Just as they’re discussing the fact that Angie defending Whitney was only making things worse, guess who’s calling? It’s Angie! She wants to get together with Lisa. Lisa says she’s running errands at the moment, but she’ll text her when she gets home.

Lisa and Bronwyn pick up Heather at her house. Bronwyn calls Heather’s $2.9 million, 7922 square foot house, “Cute!”

Lisa honks the horn, and Heather comes out laughing that she hasn’t had somebody honk for her since she was about 16. They drive down to Wendy’s and go through the drive-thru.

As they eat in the car, Lisa’s still talking about Whitney calling her “a liar” last night. Whitney could have chosen her words more carefully. Calling someone a liar is inflammatory.

While Heather wonders if they all “ganged up on” Whitney, Bronwyn feels that Whitney was the one who “ratcheted the whole thing up.” She goes on to mimic Whitney and her healing journey, saying she was laughing to the point of tears at Whit’s middle finger moment. “It’s just so trite,” she says.

Bronwyn’s reaction sets off alarm bells with Heather. “This is the type of energy that’s burned me in the past,” she says, recalling Monica Garcia. “I feel very wary of someone who has such strong, harsh opinions about people that they’re just meeting for the first time.”

Meredith wants the bat mitzvah she never had

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

Meredith is meeting her husband Seth at a cooking school. They’re learning to make Shakshouka, just like Erin Lichy made for the RHONY ladies when they stayed at her house in the Hamptons.

While they’re eating, Meredith tells Seth she’s been thinking about her heritage. Amidst all the anti-Semitism in the world right now, she’s very proud of her Jewish ancestry. Meredith wants to have a bat mitzvah since she never had one as a child.

Seth is literally speechless. He finally says, “It’s so powerful, making this commitment in the ‘back half’ of our life.”

For those who don’t know, in Judaism, a bat mitzvah (or bar mitzvah for boys) marks a “coming of age” and is typically celebrated around the age of 12 or 13. Meredith says her parents never really emphasized Jewish faith, but it’s their heritage. “It’s my blood,” she adds. Seth says, “I’m so proud of you … I can’t wait to talk dirty in Hebrew.”

Lisa and Angie go head-to-head over lunch

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Angie and Lisa meet up for lunch. “For the past couple of years, Angie’s been someone I talk to all the time,” Lisa says. “I feel like I’m such a good friend to her … It shocks me that she cares so little about our friendship … that she would take things I’ve shared with her in confidence and repeat them to Whitney … It’s beyond hurtful.”

In a confessional, Angie says, “I told Whitney what Lisa said … because I thought she probably owed her an apology [for calling Lisa a “villain”] so they could move forward.”

But she tells Lisa that it felt like they went a little hard on Whitney at the party. She felt Heather going in on Whitney was her trying to prove that she was Lisa’s friend.

“She was taking up for herself,” Lisa responds. “I can handle myself.”

In a confessional, Lisa thinks, “[Angie is] trying to convince me to think exactly like her … [If she] would listen to me with the intent to understand me, we would get a lot further.” In other words, Lisa wants Angie to think exactly like her.

Angie says Lisa talks over Whitney. “She’s not as strong as you,” she says. I don’t believe that for a minute.

Lisa insists she’s just “who I am,” and she’s not going to change. Angie wishes she’d just listen and understand the point she’s trying to make.

“Everybody thinks I’m self-centered and a bitch,” Lisa adds. “I don’t really care anymore.” And there you go. She just proved her own point.

So, as Lisa tends to do when things aren’t going her way, she walks out. “Goodbye, I love you,” she tells Angie. “Hope we can continue the conversation.” Just not today. That went well.

Heather and Whitney shop for healing crystals

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Heather and Whitney visit a crystal shop. Heather says, “You can pick out one crystal … under $500.” That’s a generous gift.

Whitney’s hurt about everything that went down at the Besos party, especially that Heather came down on Lisa’s side. They’re here to “work through it.”

“If Lisa [had] listened to me,” she says, “then she wouldn’t have had to hear my feelings on a podcast. Her calling me a liar over my feelings is no different than me calling her a liar for being mad at me.”

“I’m super frustrated with Whitney,” Heather says. “Even though I love her, [that] does not mean that I like her. She does a lot of damage and expects all of her friends to just kind of absorb it … We [can only do that] to a certain point.”

“I apologize for my part in it,” Heather says. “But do you see, if three of your friends are telling you … ”

“I do see that,” Whit agrees. “If three of my friends are telling me something, that means there’s something I need to look at … I just don’t know how we’re ever going to move forward if we don’t stop looking back.”

“Before this all went down, I had this fun trip planned,” she adds. “I’m going to Milwaukee to Trixie’s bar … Trixie [Mattel] has a gay bar in Milwaukee.” Trixie is of course the RuPaul’s Drag Race star, who hosted the ladies at the Trixie Motel in Season 4.

Heather doesn’t think the ladies are ready for a road trip right now but suggests a team-building activity. When everyone’s cooled off a bit, Milwaukee could be fun.

Bronwyn gets her hair done at Angie’s salon

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

Bronwyn stops by Angie’s hair salon to get her hair done. While Bronwyn’s getting styled, Angie pulls up a chair.

“I left Lisa’s event,” Angie says, “thinking, ‘I love Bronwyn,’ and [wondering] what you might think of me because of how my relationship with Lisa … looked that night.”

“I love Lisa, and we’re always gonna be friends,” Bronwyn says, “but nothing that was said about her was untrue … Whitney does probably feel like she has to do what Lisa wants a lot.” She didn’t love the way Whit “stomped out,” but she talked to her, and “she knows she needs to find a different way to get her point across.”

“Bronwyn is easy to get to know,” Angie says. “She’s warm, she’s witty. Her fashion alone is enough to put on a scroll.”

Actually, Bronwyn seems a little “too” nice. She seems like she’s playing up to everyone just to get in with the group. Are we seeing the genuine Bronwyn?

She tells Angie that she thinks “Britani’s all over the place.” Britani didn’t make a good impression with either Bronwyn or Mary.

Angie says she saw Britani the day before, and she was still talking about Bronwyn’s “heart jacket.” I know it’s fashion, but it was a little weird.

“I don’t like to call another woman stupid … but I’m not sure this woman can even spell ‘YSL,’” she says, which is in essence, doing exactly what she said she doesn’t like to do. It feels like a lot for the clumsy conversation we watched last week.

“Women like Britani are the reason I struggle to make strong female friendships,” Bronwyn interviews. “I often think I can trust someone, and then later that ends up not being the case. This reminds me of being at BYU, when I was 19 and pregnant, and other women were judging me and talking about me. That has not gone away.”

Heather puts the other women “on the ropes” at an adventure park

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Heather’s booked an outing at an adventure park. There are lots of high platforms and ziplines all over the place. It looks intimidating.

“I think today’s just gonna be a standstill with Lisa,” Whitney says. “I’m pissed at her. I feel like she owes me an apology. But I’m also smart enough to know that she thinks I owe her an apology.”

When Mary sees Britani coming, she prays to God for strength. “I don’t understand why Mary’s so rude to me,” Brit says in an interview. Oh, honey, don’t take it personally. Mary’s rude to almost everybody!

Mary’s offended that Britani just assumed Mary grew up poor when she said, “There was never enough,” but Britani was just trying to relate to her. She didn’t mean anything by it. Plus, she didn’t actually say that. Personally, I wouldn’t waste my time worrying about it.

“[Britani’s] just not the sharpest knife in the drawer,” Mary says in a confessional. “She’s not even the sharpest spoon.”

For her part, Lisa says, “I guess I’m going to be super active today: actively avoiding Angie and Whitney and actively surviving this ropes course.” Meredith begs off, claiming she has “tennis elbow from churning too much butter.”

But everyone else is game to try, even Mary, which is surprising. I think someone told Mary she needs to start earning her paycheck by participating, not just watching from the sidelines or having the bus driver take her to McDonald’s.

Britani thinks her boyfriend made it official … or not

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Heather invites everyone to come “eat, drink, and relax.” I have a feeling there are still some things to be discussed. Nobody’s relaxing today.

At a picnic table, Britani announces she wants to make a toast. “So last night, she says, “Jared … officially asked me to be his girlfriend. He made it Instagram official!”

“But the Instagram says, ‘my best friend,’” Bronwyn interjects, “and you guys were at Costco.”

While Lisa says, “Is this the post? Britani, you’re not official.” Why can’t she just be happy for her?

“I’m just trying to figure out why do we care?” Mary says. “I don’t care about you and your boyfriend.” Britani calls Mary rude, and they rehash their Besos party conversation.

Lisa interrupts, waving her phone and saying, “Britani, I would be worried about this. I feel like Jared’s working you over a little bit.”

 “He should be claiming you as his girlfriend, not best friend,” Whitney says. “You’re happy with that?”

“No, I’m not,” she admits. “It hurts my feelings.”

“There’s a lot going on in Britani’s life with her kids and her ex,” Heather says. “It’s a little bit chaotic. And she’s working on repairing her relationship with her nuclear family.”

Heather asks everyone to be respectful of each other, to which Bronwyn responds, “I’d like to learn something about Britani that doesn’t feel unhinged. That’s how I feel about Britani right now.” Wow. Bronwyn’s not coming across very well in this exchange.

Heather feels like Brit’s a baby deer, and she’s dragged her in front of all of these wolves. “She’s clearly not up for the fight,” she says. “And it’s not warranted. They don’t know anything about this woman. This feels like she’s getting kicked in the teeth, and I hate it.”

Heather takes on Bronwyn

Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 2 Recap
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

“Words matter,” Bronwyn says. “I know you don’t like me saying that, [Heather], but it’s true.”

“No, I don’t like you saying that,” Heather fires back. “Cause if we need to get our words in order, you need to get yours in order … You have been giving everybody a different story. [You told Whitney that] you were supportive of her. With Lisa on our Wendy’s drive, you were Team f*cking Lisa and were saying terrible things about Whitney.”

“That’s not true,” says Bronwyn.

Heather accuses Bronwyn of being “two-faced.” But Bronwyn says she already told Whitney about thinking she was funny at the dinner and “having tears of laughter.” In flashback, we see that this did happen, but that Bronwyn told Whitney it was an “iconic” moment, rather than “trite.”

“I left [Lisa’s] car feeling everything you said was a little bit poisonous, especially about Whitney [and] Meili,” Heather concludes.

So Heather’s team-building activity didn’t go so well, as everyone ends the day arguing.

And it gets worse. When Lisa asks Whitney to speak in facts, not feelings, Whit snaps back, “The fact is that you’re a sh*tty friend.” Touché!

Of course, the only comeback Lisa can come up with is, “You’re a sh*tty friend.”

Finally, Whitney does what she should have done all along and apologizes for talking about Lisa on the podcast.

Even though they haven’t really resolved anything, Whitney invites everyone to Milwaukee. “Trixie booked me to host her next drag night … in Milwaukee,” Whit says. “I would love all of you to come on a girls’ trip to … continue the bonding. I booked a private jet.”

Sounds like a party to me! Meredith’s not sure if she’s coming, to which Whitney says in confessional, “good, don’t come.” Thankfully, she will be there, as we see her in the preview for next week! Bring on the chaos…

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.


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