Welcome to our recap of episode 6 of season 9 of Below Deck Mediterranean! In this

Welcome to our recap of episode 6 of season 9 of Below Deck Mediterranean! In this

you are welcome in under the surface of the mediterranean sea Season 9 Episode 6 Recap! In this week’s episode, called “Running Behind Time,” Elena continues to bully Bree. But Aisha doesn’t have time to deal with them and says, “Get over it and do your job.” When Joe tells Gail that he might be interested in Elena after all, she advises him to pick a girl and stick with her, or he’ll cause trouble. The captain has already been on the edge with Captain Sandy, but when he makes two big mistakes that could put the boat in danger, it could be the end of the road for Ian. Here are some highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 Episode 6.

The war continues

Inner Soup, Elena On Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Image Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo Via Getty Images

In the crew mess, Elena sees Jo and asks, “What’s going on with this Bree sleepover situation?” Bree has been camping in the boys’ cabin because she can’t stand being in the same room as Elena.

“She’s creating drama for no reason,” Ellie says. “She’s just trying to say, ‘Oh, I’m a victim.’ No one did anything to you. Shut up, you idiot.” [and] “Go to work…it has nothing to do with me.”

Afterwards, Ellie complained to Aisha, saying, “I’m sorry. This has to stop with Bree. She’s sleeping on the floor in the boys’ cabin.”

“Again?” Aisha asks. “Oh my God!”

“She tells me I underestimate her,” Elena continues.

“Is that you?” Aisha asks.

“I’m not,” Ellie insists. “I’m not that person, and I won’t accept that. That’s the line I draw.”

“I know it’s hard, but you two need to get through it,” Aisha advises. “We can work it out after we get the charter.”

“There’s this annoying rivalry between Bri and Ellie, which revolves around Joe,” Ayesha says in an interview. “When people are emotionally distracted, you can’t discipline them for their feelings. Show some courage, and let’s focus on the guests who pay a lot of money to come here.”

But Ellie can’t ignore it. As she prepares to go with the guests on a trip to the cave, she starts all over again.

“By the way,” she said to Aisha, “Bree also mentioned that she was kicked off a boat before for causing too much drama.” Who’s causing drama now, Elena?

“Really?” Aisha said, feigning interest. “I’m sorry, but we’re on a charter flight… We have to focus on the guests.”

Ian annoys the captain.

Beneath The Mediterranean Season 9 Bosun Ian.
Photo: Fred Gagino/Bravo

Meanwhile, Ian has his own problems. He has asked his crew to blow up the floating dock on the upper deck so it is “out of the way.” This doesn’t sit well with Captain Sandy, who thinks storing things in the guest area is a mess. And she’s right.

She asks him to take her to the swimming deck, where she belongs. This is the happy reason Joe tried to tell Ian this in the first place. He feels right.

Finally, when the ship’s crew was in place and ready to set off on the journey, Ian told Aisha that they were ready for the guests.

“Well, go get them!” she said. It was as if he had never been a sailor before.

When Sandy tells him, “We need to be faster on this,” his argument is, “I had a different plan in my head…”

“Well, your plan didn’t work,” Sandy said.[The swim deck] always goes [the water] “First, this is how it goes.”

This is just a yacht on the surface of the Mediterranean Sea.

Bree Does Laundry In Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Photo: Fred Gagino/Bravo

While Ellie was out on the boat with the guests, Aisha met Bree in the food pantry upstairs. Aisha doesn’t want to go into details about their fight while on the boat. But she does say that Ellie mentioned that Bree slept in the boys’ cabin again the night before.

“Why are you doing that?” the chef wants to know.

Bree explains that she just needed some space from Eli, and it was fun sleeping in the boys’ cabin.

“Are you doing this to prove a point to Ellie?” Aisha asks.

“No, I tried to tell her something, but she doesn’t want to hear it.”

Aisha tells Bree that she needs to sleep in her own cabin, partly to calm Ellie down but also because they’re on a charter ship and they all need rest. When Bree complains about having to share a cabin with someone so different from her, Aisha responds, “But this is sailing. If you guys can’t work out your issues, I’m going to have to make some changes… I can’t have you fighting all season long.”

So the next time Ellie comes over to give Bree orders about getting dinner ready, Bree decides the best way to handle it is to say, “Ah ah, second soup… whatever Ellie wants, I’ll do.”

It sounds like a plan.

Ellie makes excuses

Ellie In A Promotional Shot For Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9.
Photo: Fred Gagino/Bravo

When Aisha returns from the break, she is surprised that Ellie has not yet decorated the dinner table, as she asked. She asks Bree what they are planning, and Bree says they are “pulling plates” for dinner.

“Why didn’t this happen so long ago?” Aisha asks. She had Ellie bring everything for dinner almost three hours ago. What is Ellie doing?

“It’s hard with Ellie,” Aisha says in an interview. “I don’t know if she’s distracted, or if she’s not as efficient as she claims. I always have to watch Bree and Ellie, and it’s exhausting… What about doing your job? Just do it!”

When Aisha located Ellie and asked why the plates had not been cleared yet for dinner, Ellie said, “Because I was serving guests all the time.”

“You couldn’t have done that while they were serving?” her boss asks.

“Then I started cleaning the bar,” Ellie says, “and it still hasn’t happened.” She sounds like she’s making excuses.

“We have to finish everything in one hour,” Aisha concludes, then goes to bring the dishes to the chef.

After she left, Ellie said, “Okay, I’ll be done in an hour. I didn’t have enough time.”

“Time has passed without me being able to do anything,” Ellie says in her confessional. “But at the same time, Bree is literally getting away with murder.” Literally, Ellie?! This is one of the things that bothers me the most. Who “literally” killed Bree, Ellie?

As Ellie continues, “Bree is getting away with murder, and here I am getting punished for the smallest mistake. This is bullshit.” Are we starting to sense some bad behavior on Ellie’s part? I just hope Aisha starts to notice it, too.

Joe thinks about switching girls.

Joe Bradley, Host Of Below Deck Mediterranean.
Photo: Fred Gagino/Bravo

Meanwhile, Joe repeats his earlier conversation at the bidding with Ellie for Gail. He says he wants to know her side of the story. He asks her, “Why [Bri] Can I sleep in my cabin? What happens?

Ellie tells him that Bree broke girl rules by kissing him, and now Bree’s playing the victim. Isn’t Ellie the victim here too? I mean, with all the cross stuff.

“But that’s between them,” Joe finished. No, it’s not that. It seems like the whole crew is involved at this point. He thinks they’re “unprofessional” and “very immature.”

Gail always reminds him that “there are two sides to every story,” and that they don’t know the whole story. But Joe thinks he does. Mostly because he wants to have sex with her.

“And it’s all on you, man!” Gail jokes.

Then he asks her for advice: “If there is any possibility with Elle, should I continue with this?”

“Whoever you sleep with,” Gail advises, “is either someone you’re going to keep sleeping with, or someone who’s going to cause a lot of trouble.” [trouble]“He can’t move between the two girls, or it will be an all-out war.

Anchor goes crazy on Below Deck Mediterranean

Captain Sandy On Board
Photo: Fred Gagino/Bravo

When Captain Sandy was ready to raise the anchor, Joe realized that the right winch was not working. He radioed Sandy, “Captain, I have no power to the winch.” The “winch” resembled a large reel that reels the anchor chain. One of the engineers suggested using the left winch with a line to pull the anchor.

“At worst, if I can’t get the anchor off the bottom, I’ll have to let go,” Sandy says.

Another engineer discovers that the crane’s batteries were left on all night, “so they’re probably dead.” Sandy isn’t happy about this. “Seriously? Damn!” she says.

The tender’s batteries are also dead. It seems someone made a mistake turning things off last night. “Who left the battery on?” Sandy wants to know. “Who was the last to unplug the tender?”

Neither Joe nor Nathan remember, so Sandy asks Joe to wake Ian up. When Ian asks the captain, she asks, “Who was the last person in the tender?”

“Maybe I am,” he admits.

“You need to turn off the battery,” she says. No excuses. She just needs him to “go figure this out.”

But when they tried to raise the anchor using the other winch, the small, thin rope they had attached to the chain snapped like a rubber band, causing the anchor to fall free.

“Put the brakes on!” Sandy shouts. “Stop the anchor! Stop the anchor!”

But the chain keeps unraveling, faster and faster. And there’s no stopping it.

He follows…

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.

Tell us – what did you think of Below Deck season 9, episode 6? Do you think Ian will lose his job?

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