Welcome to Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In this week

Welcome to Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In this week

you are welcome in Below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea Season 9, Episode 3! In this week’s episode, titled “Drifting Standards,” although a new provider gives Captain Sandy hope of a better charter, Juno’s cooking fails to impress. One of the guests gets lost at sea along with deckhand Nathan, causing Sandy to question her bosun’s competence. Here are some highlights from Below Deck Mediterranean, Season 9, Episode 3.

Romance shattered

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Photo Credit: Fred Gagwino Via Bravo

When we last visited Below Deck Mediterranean, Gayle and Nathan were looking for a place to roam ‘without cameras’. He finds a place in Sagittarius’s right closet and sends her messages to join him. As she tried to tiptoe through the kitchen, she was caught by a camera crew and muttered, “Oh, fuck.”

“Do you need a microphone?” asks one of them.

“I will not talk [to anyone]”,” she replies. “I’m just getting watered too quickly.” And maybe “a little strawberry” while you’re at it?

“Why? What am I thinking? What am I doing?” she asks herself. She then texted Nathan saying: “The cameras just caught me.”

“Ha ha ha,” Nathan texted back. “There are no cameras from the bridge deck, they could go straight to the bosun’s closet.” Oh, Nathan, cameras are everywhere.

But Gayle lost her nerve. “Haha, nah, let’s call it a night. Talk soon!” She heads back down the stairs to her cabin. Sorry, Nathan, no strawberries tonight.

“I’m still in a relationship,” Gayle interviews. “I feel like I have stronger emotions than I need to at this moment. I need to go to sleep.”

This is it. “Fuck! Fuck me,” Nathan grumbled in frustration.

“I don’t want to pressure her or push her into making any stupid, stupid decision,” he says in his confessional. “I hope I’m not making things awkward, but that’s a risk I’d take anytime!”

The new ship supplier makes everyone happy

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Photo Credit: Fred Gagwino/Bravo

The next morning, Captain Sandy emailed the service provider. Look! She’s wearing her new wedding ring. Very beautiful! Congratulations again, Sandy! We love the Mediterranean love story below deck.

“The last charter was the worst catering experience I have ever had in my charter career,” she says in her confessional. “So we are changing suppliers.” I think so! Hopefully the new providers will be more professional.

Aisha is pleased that Sandy has hired a new company. “Amazing! Crossing your fingers for this charter will be more reliable.”

Ian, Aisha and Juno join Sandy for the preference sheet meeting. The first in the new charter is two-time Olympic gold medalist tennis champion Gigi Fernandez. “I actually worked with her as a charter client, and we became friends after that,” Sandy says. “I had a great covenant with them, and that’s why they came back.”

“The chef was mine [then] “I prepared seven courses at each meal,” the captain adds, looking at Juno who doesn’t look very happy. “Her expectations are high.”

One guest orders neither mayonnaise nor lamb, turkey, duck or pork. “She also has a gluten allergy,” Juno points out. “She hates seafood, while seafood is one of her top requests [by the others]What on earth are they going to feed this woman?

Although it will be difficult, Sandy says, “I really want to please her. They’re used to getting what they want when they want it.”

Juno is nervous about cooking for someone who has so many difficult limitations. “Pressure makes us better,” Sandy encourages.

When the supplies arrive, Aisha exclaims, “Oh my God, this is an American catering company that really knows how to supply!”

Juno almost cried with relief. “What a great company!” Aisha screams. “They actually got the things I wanted and came on time!”

Untasty tacos

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Photo Credit: Fred Gagwino/Bravo

For guests’ first meal on the boat, Jono prepares the seafood tacos they’ve ordered. He says the last boat he worked on had owners from Mexico. “I’ll get the spices,” he says. “The tacos will talk. They’ll say, ‘Eat me! Eat me!’ I hope they like spicy food, because he certainly doesn’t shy away from spice.

As she brings out the food for the guests, Ellie carefully approaches Juno. “After the whole Panini gate trip, I’m definitely biting my tongue… All I can do is stay professional moving forward and not let this affect my job at all,” she says.

At the table, Juno may have gone overboard with the spices (see what I did there?) because Gigi commented, “The spices in the rice, there’s a very distinct taste.”

“Do you like it?”

She answers: “No.” “There’s something arrogant about him.” Could it be cardamom? This doesn’t look like something that belongs in a taco.

“Yes, you’re right,” her friend agrees.

The rest of the group agrees. “Woo, that’s hot!” says one of the group.

When Ellie asks how things are going, Gigi decides: “It’s not good for Rachel [the chef on their last charter]”But it’s good.”

He flew into the sea

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Photo Credit: Fred Gagwino/Bravo

Ian is happy with his crew. “I have a really good team,” he says. “Everyone is getting better. Things are going smoothly. No one is a fool.” Don’t tempt fate, Ian.

Laura wants to paddle. After getting permission, Nathan accompanied her.

But when they try to get back, Nathan realizes they are too far behind. Instead of watching the guests in the water, Joe distracts the ladies who want him to “take your shirt off!”

While trying to paddle back, Nathan gave an interview saying, “We’re actually going backwards because the current is that strong. So, yeah, we’re stuck out at sea, and I’m damaging myself.”

“What happened to Laura and Nathan?” someone finally asks.

“They’re too far away,” Sandy says.

Fortunately, a passing raft picks them up and returns them safely to Mustique. Sandy is not happy because she almost lost a guest. Ian launched a tender to get them back, and Sandy radioed, “Come see me as soon as the guests are back on board.”

“This is embarrassing,” she told Joe. When he admits that he should have watched them, Sandy calls it a “lesson learned.”

“I appreciate that Joe is responsible,” Sandy interviews. “but [as for] Ian, you need two people watching the guests at all times. It’s Ian’s job as head to deputize the watch person.

“Always keep an eye on the guests,” she told him. “When guests are in the water on any toy, one person follows them in giving. Always. Make them a priority.” Neither Nathan nor Laura were wearing a life jacket. They could have drowned.

Ian has interviewed that he didn’t know he was supposed to watch guests in the water. Hasn’t he worked on a yacht before?

“Go apologize to Gigi,” Sandy says.

“Poop on a plate”

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Image Source: Bravo Via Youtube

When Sandy sees that Juno has prepared chicken as a main course, she is a little disappointed. “Mediterranean Charter expects five-star food,” she says in her confessional. “Gigi has traveled the world. She has dined at some of the finest restaurants. Chicken is really not something you would serve on a luxury yacht. Everything has to be perfect.”

Gigi isn’t happy with the chicken either. “It’s just a lot of rosemary.”

“Everyone is quiet at the table,” Aisha noted. “From someone who proclaims so loudly every time that they love the food, I feel like it’s not usually great for people not to be impressed from their seats.”

“How was the chicken?” She asks the guests. “is he okay?”

“My results have been very good,” offers Julie Anne. Not exactly a rave review.

When Aisha returns to the kitchen and sees what is on offer for dessert, she exclaims, “Sponge cake?!” It’s the most boring of all cakes.” Although I can forgive him for the cake because it’s chocolate, Juno added a spoonful of raspberry sorbet to the dish, which seems like an afterthought. Plus, it’s raspberries that I hate. Disgusting. You name it Aisha “stool on a plate” in the confessional.

“You made me serve chicken, then I have to serve them sponge cake?” She’s sobbing. “Like, I gotta be the face of all this shit.” It’s embarrassing.

When Aisha comes back to ask the guests if it’s okay, Gigi says: “No, it could be more chocolate.” Instead of focusing on the disappointing dinner, Aisha hurriedly moves them on to the next activity.

Cold eggs for breakfast?

Welcome To Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3! In This Week
Image Source: Fred Gagwino/Bravo Via Getty Images

The next morning, Juno prepares huevos rancheros. But by the time the guests get to the table, the eggs have been sitting for an hour and a half. It’s disgusting. This is not the way to get down to the surface of the Mediterranean, Juno.

“Okay, Aisha, my eggs are completely cold,” Gigi says. “If you can just get a hot egg, everything else is perfectly fine. There’s nothing worse than a cold egg.”

Later, when Gigi comes to visit Sandy on the bridge, she asks her, “How was your breakfast?” Gigi admits the eggs were cold.

“So I brought them back because you can’t eat cold eggs,” she adds. “These people don’t want to complain…like last night’s dinner, ‘Chef’s Choice’ and this is what you’re offering us?”

“When you call something ‘broken,’ it doesn’t work,” Gigi adds. Not if you’re a good cook, it doesn’t happen.

When Sandy asks for chocolate cake for dessert, Gigi admits, “It wasn’t good. And then, lunch had some condiments, and I couldn’t put it down. It was completely overbearing. Like, I have a high standard.”

“Oh, I know,” Sandy sympathizes. “On a charter yacht, you want the food to be great.” These guests pay a lot of money to be on this boat. They expect five star dining.

“I know Gigi,” Sandy says in her confessional. “She won’t complain just for the sake of complaining.”

“I’m sorry,” Sandy says to her friend. “Thanks for letting me know. We’ll fix it.”

As soon as Gigi left the bridge, the captain said: “Juno, Juno, can you come to the bridge please?” Oh oh. Someone’s in trouble.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo.

Tell us – What do you think of Below Mediterranean Season 9, Episode 3? Do you think Sandy will fire Juno? What about Ian?

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