Season 7 of Love Is Blind released its first batch of episodes last week and we

Season 7 of Love Is Blind released its first batch of episodes last week and we

Love is blind Season 7 released its first batch of episodes last week and we are already hooked on it. This season featured singles from Washington, D.C. and the pods were eventually closed with six successful doubles. Taylor Krause and Garrett Guzmans were the first couple to get engaged in the pods, followed by Ashley Addonser and Tyler Francis. It didn’t take long for Steven Richardson to pop the question to Monica Davis, making them the third official couple of the season.

After connecting on a deep emotional level in the pods, Alexandra Bird and Tim Godby also became engaged. Hannah Giles also accepted a proposal from Nick Durka, after being torn between him and Leo Brody. Last but not least, Ramses Prashad asked Marissa George to marry him and she happily accepted. While Leo became engaged to Brittany Wisniewski, they broke up shortly after leaving the pods and did not go to Mexico with the rest of the couples.

Although Season 7 is off to a good start with six couples, they’re not exactly in the honeymoon phase. Some of these couples are stressed but others are already having problems. Here are our predictions on which couples will work out and which won’t.

Taylor and Garrett will likely get married in Season 7 of Love Is Blind

Taylor And Jarrett Went To The Beach On Season 7 Of Love Is Blind.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

Taylor and Garrett were the first couple to get engaged and we’re sure they’ll eventually get married. The pair had an instant connection in the centuries due to their twisted love of science. As the days went by, Taylor and Garrett discovered that they also had the same dry sense of humor.

During the reveal, it was clear that the couple also had a strong physical attraction to each other. Their time in the real world so far hasn’t been awkward at all and they still communicate as they have in centuries. Both Taylor and Garrett seem intent on learning more about each other as well as their families, which are great signs indeed.

Ashley and Tyler are also likely to get married in Season 7 of Love Is Blind

Ashley And Tyler Are Likely To Get Married In Season 7 Of Love Is Blind.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

Ashley and Tyler are probably the strongest duo this season behind Taylor and Jarrett. In the pods, Ashley and Tyler bonded instantly. Tyler opened up to Ashley about the difficulties he faced during his childhood and she listened and comforted him. From the jump, it was clear that Ashley and Tyler care about each other. Sometimes couples on Love Is Blind feel like they’re doomed from the start but that’s definitely not the case for Ashley and Tyler.

After their revelation, it seems like the chemistry between the couple is growing. They didn’t have any disagreements and seemed determined to go ahead with the wedding. It would be a real shock if something happened between these two.

Monica and Steven may not make it to the altar in Season 7 of Love Is Blind

There Could Be Trouble Ahead For Monica And Steven In Season 7 Of Love Is Blind.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

During Season 6 of Love Is Blind, only two couples made it to the altar despite there being five engaged couples. Unfortunately for Monica and Steven, it looks like they might be one of those couples who have already called it quits. In the pods, Monica and Stephen definitely connected but not on a deep level like some other couples.

Monica and Steven’s reveal was also a bit awkward, as it wasn’t clear if Monica was attracted to Steven. After arriving in Mexico, it didn’t take long for Monica to rain on Steven’s convoy. While having a conversation, Monica asked Steven to stop talking so she could talk. Despite her request, Monica didn’t say anything after the fact. Something doesn’t seem to connect between Monica and Steven and they may not spend more time together.

Alexandra and Tim are likely to break up soon in season 7 of LIB

Alexandra And Tim Will Likely Break Up In Season 7 Of Love Is Blind.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

In the centuries, Alexandra and Tim were a couple you wanted to root for. The couple really opened up to each other and seemed to really connect. Tim shared with Alexandra that he missed his two older sisters, and even gave her a bracelet that belonged to one of them. On the other hand, Alexandra spoke openly about her parents’ struggle with multiple sclerosis.

Unfortunately, chaos ensues for Alexandra and Tim once they arrive in Mexico. The chemistry between the pair hasn’t been as strong as it has been in centuries and they seem to be picking it up. One night, things got so heated between the pair that they got into a huge fight that ultimately didn’t air. Tim later claimed that Alexandra was disrespectful and even got in his face. Sometimes, as much as you want to root for the couples on Love Is Blind, some connections simply aren’t meant to be out of the horns.

Season 7 may see Hannah and Nick break up soon

The Outlook Is Not Very Good For Hannah And Nick In Season 7 Of Lib.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

Hannah and Nick’s relationship was one of the most complicated in centuries. From day one, Hannah was torn between Nick and Leo. While she ultimately chose Nick, she felt insecure after their reveal due to worry that their size was too close. But once they arrived in Mexico, Hannah took things a step further. She insisted that she usually chooses taller men, which seemed hypocritical because she didn’t want Nick to judge her for her appearance.

As they spent more time together in person, it became clear that Hannah and Nick might not have been as connected as they thought. Hannah even claimed that Nick gave her an all-time good grade. During the group reunion, Nick revealed that Hannah left him a message that included things she didn’t like about him. If Hannah and Nick continue on this path, there are probably not going to be good things in the future for them.

Marisa and Ramses could go either way now

It'S A Chance To Find Out What Will Happen With Marissa And Ramses In Season 7 Of Love Is Blind.
Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix

The only couple I don’t have a concrete prediction for is Marisa and Ramses. During their time in the pods, Marissa and Ramses had a more playful relationship. They definitely connected but not on a very deep level as we saw. However, when revealed, the couple seemed very attracted to each other which made things seem hopeful.

Although Marisa and Ramses have not faced any obstacles yet, their relationship is not the strongest either. Marisa also had a relationship with Bohdan Olinaris in the centuries, which was also very strong. Choosing Ramses over Bohdan seemed somewhat random and it was not clear why she did so. When Marisa meets Bohdan in person, she may question her decision. However, for now, Marissa and Ramses have a chance to exercise.

TELL US-Which pairings do you think will work this season? Who do you think will break up?

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