Season 2 of Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars is off to an impressive start, but Tyler

Season 2 of Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars is off to an impressive start, but Tyler

Food Stars by Gordon Ramsay Season 2 got off to an impressive start, however Tyler Dirks He was the first unfortunate contestant to be sent packing when the competition started, and was the first eliminated.

The show, which airs on FOX, has added an interesting dynamic to the season. Gordon Ramsay and Lisa Vanderpump both have rival teams. The entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas, hoping to be added to Team Ramsay or Team Vanderpump. Each team had seven contestants. The last competitor will receive a cool $250,000.

During the season premiere, Tyler introduced his company, Lite-Rite Charcoal Grills. The Jonesboro, Arkansas resident has been added to Ramsey’s team.

The first challenge was running a food truck. Ramsay’s team went with Mexican food and called their truck Fiesta London. Tyler, who had no cooking experience, suggested using a juggler to bring in hungry customers and keep people in long lines entertained.

When Team Ramsay failed, Tyler was sent home after The Grilling. Reality Tea spoke with Tyler about his experience on the show, what he thinks of Gordon, and why his show didn’t go exactly as planned.

How Tyler Dirks built his companies

Season 2 Of Gordon Ramsay'S Food Stars Is Off To An Impressive Start, But Tyler
Image Source: Fox

“Well, I own two businesses. I saw part of our company, Lite Rite Grill, on Food Stars. My wife and I also own an established mobile sales business [and] parking lot. “It’s a high-volume sales company,” Tyler explained.

“Lite Rite, how I started it, I always loved cooking over charcoal. And I started looking for ways to light charcoal faster and easier. I built a couple of prototypes on my back porch and took them to the manufacturers and started designing. That’s kind of how I started That’s my love of charcoal and making charcoal easy.

Tyler shared more about why his product is special. “Lite-Rite charcoal grills [are] The fastest lighting charcoal grill in history. It is a small family run business. “We love our grill, our customers love the grill, and we love putting it out there,” Tyler told us. “It’s a challenge, but at the same time, a fun challenge. It took me all the way to London.”

Tyler has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. “I’ve owned a lot of different businesses throughout my life. My first business I had when I was 16 [years old]. I started a lawn care company and sold it for a good profit three or four years later.

The Food Stars competitor has some advice for anyone starting their own business. “Work hard and go after it no matter what. You’ve got to believe in what you’re doing, and then, you know, give it everything you’ve got. Give it everything you’ve got.”

What did Tyler Dirks learn from Gordon Ramsay during Season 2 of Food Stars?

Gordon Ramsay Sent Tyler Dirks Home During Season 2 Of Food Stars On Fox
Image Source: Fox

Tyler is unsure why Gordon chose him to join Ramsay’s team. “I don’t know. I mean, I’m not a TV type at all. I think, I hope, he really liked my product. That’s why I did the show anyway. I wanted, you know, exposure for my product,” Tyler said.

“We have it now, but I grew up without TV and all that. I would never think of myself as being in TV. So, I would say I have a great product — that’s why he chose me.”

So, what did Tyler learn from Gordon? “I’ve learned that he’s fun to work with. He’s definitely good at his job. I’m sure he’s a great chef, but his job is TV and he knows how to make a good TV show. I had a good time with him,” he added.

Why being on Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars was difficult for Tyler Dirks

Tyler Dirks Was Part Of Team Ramsay In Season 2 Of Food Stars
Image Source: Fox

Tyler has no regrets about participating in the show. But it was difficult sometimes. “I mean I never imagined I would be asked to do a TV show. I was asked to do the first season and I wasn’t ready and I said no. Tyler told us they would call me back for season two.

“I enjoyed it. It was great to be in London. I had a great time walking around London and meeting the locals. Meeting Gordon Ramsay was great. So far I have no regrets.”

Tyler left with his appreciation for the English capital, hoping to return soon. “I want to take my wife back there soon. Maybe sometime this year for our anniversary.” Loved it. “It was very interesting to see.”

However, being in front of the camera was difficult for Tyler. “It was very difficult getting used to the cameras. I never got to where I felt comfortable in front of the camera. “I feel more comfortable than I was before.”

Why was Tyler’s show missing a key element

Tyler Dirks In Season 2 Of Gordon Ramsay'S Food Stars
Image Source: Fox.

When Tyler pitched Lite-Rite Charcoal Grills to Lisa and Gordon, he had to rely on his personality. “I had to do my sales pitch without my product. The product got lost in customs. That’s all…another story there. I found out the grill wasn’t in place, and I wasn’t going to do my sales pitch with the grill,” Tyler explained. “.

“It was disappointing because I really wanted to grill Mr Ramsay a steak and let him eat it. But it didn’t work out. You know, that would be my biggest regret. I hope it happens,” he added.

Since the show went on the air, Tyler has been receiving phone calls about his grill. “I was surprised that I was getting so many calls and messages every day and it’s all from this offer. I’ve now sold about 40k in sales and no money has been spent on marketing,” the business owner stated. “That’s just through word of mouth. I got a lot of exposure and people approached me because of the show. “It’s exciting.”

How did you feel on Ramsay’s team?

Gordon Ramsay Mentored Tyler Dirks During The Second Season Of Food Stars
Photo Credit: Brian Bowen Smith/Fox

Tyler made some contacts on Ramsay’s team. “I still talk to one or two of them. We’ve seen Rose.” [Hankins] – She lives here in our city. We saw her that evening when we went out to eat. That was the first time I talked to her. Then I’m still talking to Andrew [Whiting] Every now and then online. I’m talking to Kamal [Grant] From time to time.”

Tyler wasn’t sure why his team lost the first challenge. “I felt like our line was full all the time. I didn’t participate much in the kitchen,” Tyler explained.

He continued: “I was told that we would receive orders within a minute and a half, but I think it took about five or six minutes. So, maybe our line was long because orders weren’t arriving fast enough. I’m not sure.”

But tension erupted in Ramsay’s team after the group lost the challenge. “The tension was when Ramsay’s team lost, that’s when you get nervous. There was definitely tension at that point.” Tyler was called out about hiring a juggler to attract clients. “I was subjected to intense questioning by members of my team – from my team,” Tyler added.

What was Gordon like in person?

Gordon Ramsay With Some Of His Team Members During The Second Season Of Food Stars
Image Source: Fox

So, was Gordon personally terrifying? “He’s interesting. I’ve never felt intimidated by him. I’ve felt respect for him,” Tyler commented.

“It was an interesting experience meeting him face to face. I’m sure he can be intimidating. I never felt that way with him personally, but if I had stayed… [the show] Longer, who knows? Maybe you’ve seen some of that, Tyler said.

Tyler summed up his Food Stars experience in one word. “Sexy,” he said. “That’s one of the first words that come to mind. I loved the whole experience overall.”

Of course, Tyler had some special fans at home. “They were excited for me. My wife was watching last night and said there were some awkward moments. I think she’s more worried about it than I am,” Tyler told us.

His daughter thinks he is a local celebrity. She walked into the office a few minutes ago and said, “There’s that movie star!” I’m like, no. this is not me. “I promise,” Tyler said.

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on FOX.

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