Scary Secrets About The Sixth Sense That You Will Never Forget

Scary Secrets About The Sixth Sense That You Will Never Forget

Well, here’s a surprise: The Sixth Sense Released 25 years ago.

After countless imitators, M. Night Shyamalan-A thriller film directed and starring Haley Joel Osment And Bruce Willis The film remains the gold standard when it comes to jaw-dropping endings (spoilers ahead, but to be fair, you’ve had a quarter-century to catch up). But even after you know the ending, the flawless performances and the unsettling atmosphere that pervades the entire film make this 1999 blockbuster a film worth watching again.

“There was something magical about his performance,” Shyamalan said in 2019 of Osment, who was no newcomer but gave a stellar performance as Cole Sears, who watches the dead. He recalls Hollywood Reporter“When I left the room, I said to the casting director, ‘I don’t know if I want to make the movie if it’s not with this kid.’”

The Sixth Sense Ozment turned into the A child star at the age of ten, it became the highest-grossing film of Willis’ career. (In fact, the film grossed $294 million in the United States and $673 million at the worldwide box office, surpassed only by Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace That year.)

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