Renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer dies at 96

Renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer dies at 96

The world has lost a legend.

doctor. Ruth WestheimerA popular sex therapist who made waves on radio, television and publishing with her frank talks about love and sex has died, her publicist has announced. Pierre Lehoux NBC News confirmed her death, and she was 96 years old.

“She passed away peacefully at her home in New York City on July 12 surrounded by her loving family,” her family, including children Joel And Mariam“Just one month after celebrating her 96th birthday,” she said in a statement.

Westheimer, a German-born Holocaust survivor as a child, gained fame in 1980, when she was in her early 50s, with her late-night radio show on New York’s WYNY station. talk sexWith her petite frame and willingness to talk openly about taboo subjects like bedroom life, she quickly became the center of attention.

Initially a 15-minute program in which she answered questions about sex and gave advice to callers, the program eventually expanded into a national show that aired until 1990.

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