Over the past several years, we’ve seen Love Is Blind become one of the

We have seen over the past few years Love is blind This show has become one of the most important shows in the world of reality TV. The show has traveled abroad, to Japan, Germany, Argentina, and also to the UK. I am a huge fan of Love is Blind UK because it brought back the elements of the show we loved, which is that people are looking for love, not fame. With six engaged couples, we share who is getting married, who is breaking up, and who is closest to each other.

Which couples in the UK will succeed in achieving their dream?

Steven and Sabrina

Let me start by saying that I’m going to stop watching this show if these two don’t get married (I won’t). But honestly, I haven’t loved a couple like Steven and Sabrina since Brett and Tiffany on Season 5 of Love Is Blind. They fit together so well, everything seems to fit perfectly, and every obstacle they face is handled with balanced conversation. The only problem might be that they’ve been living apart for a decade, but it seems like the couple is struggling with that because of quarantine.

Benaya and Nicole

This situation played out in a similarly eerie fashion to what happened with Zach, Irina, and Bliss in Season 5. Nicole kicked Sam out, Benaiah came to the rescue, and the two hit the road. Things went well with the parent meeting, especially after Benaiah’s mom and sister slammed Nicole for choosing Sam over him. However, Benaiah’s obsession with Sam and Nicole’s concern that she might hinder Benaiah could prove problematic on the wedding day. I think their relationship, just like Zach and Bliss, is meaningless, but it works, which is why they’re going to say I do.

Is love blind? Are couples in the UK doomed to fail?

Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix © 2024

Freddie and Catherine

Talk about being stuck because these two could have easily answered any of these three questions. One moment, I feel like they’re going to say yes, and the next, I’m wondering why they’re even together. After that last push, Freddie worries that he might not be good enough for Katherine because he feels like she’s “too much care.” This totally upsets Katherine, but by the end of the episodes, she seems ready to go ahead and say yes. I think they walk down the aisle, but Freddie says no at the altar.

Jasmine and Bobby

I feel bad for putting these two in this category, especially after watching Jasmine’s mom cry as she watches Jasmine walk out in her wedding dress. You know how when you watch Love is Blind, you feel like something is missing? That’s what it feels like when you watch these two together. They seem to like each other, but something tells me Jasmine is saying no at the altar.

Is love blind? Couples in the UK too close to call?

Image Credit: Courtesy Of Netflix © 2024

Tom and Maria

Will Maria’s financial expectations make Tom refuse to marry? Will their mixed cultural backgrounds make Maria refuse to marry? This couple is a volatile one. When Tom met Maria’s family, she definitely thought they would run to the altar. However, Maria was raised a certain way with the expectations that a man brings, and Tom is not afraid. But he expects the two of them to share things financially. Money is a big thing in a relationship, and it has caused many breakups, which is why, for me, it’s still up in the air as to whether or not these two will agree.

First and Demi

I still don’t think Ollie is ready to walk down the aisle and say yes. I’ve felt that since day one, and even more so now. Every time he’s in a room with a woman he’s infatuated with, his head spins. Demi seems like she’s in a trance when it comes to Ollie, and the way he treats her in the most important moments shows me a side of him that didn’t think this would work. I, without a doubt, think Demi is saying yes, but Ollie is 100% saying no.

Love Is Blind UK episodes 1-9 are now available to stream on Netflix.

Tell us – which couples do you think will say yes at the altar? Do you think any of these couples will last in their relationship for the long haul?

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