Love Island star Jack Fowler suffers an allergic reaction while flying

Love Island star Jack Fowler suffers an allergic reaction while flying

Well, this is absolutely terrifying. Love Island a star Jack Fowler He has just revealed the near-death experience he had while traveling on an Emirates flight to Dubai. Jack has a nut allergy, and the combat crew apparently didn’t take this information seriously until it was almost too late.

Mid-flight emergency

“I can’t believe I have to post this,” Jack wrote. “I’m posting because people need to be aware of the seriousness of how bad food allergies can be.”

According to Jack, the cabin crew served him a chicken curry dish. He asked them whether there were walnuts in it, and they said no. Unfortunately, they were very wrong. It was the ‘Creamy Cashew Chicken Curry’.

“Immediately my throat closed up and it became very difficult to breathe,” he recalls. “I told the flight attendant that I couldn’t breathe and if there were nuts in the food. I was told that there were no nuts in the chicken curry again.

Within moments, Jack felt there was a “real possibility” of death on board. The flight crew had to provide five tanks of oxygen and an Epi-Pen. However, his reaction was so severe that he needed actual medical care, which you can’t get when you’re 35,000 feet in the air.

“I told the flight controller: ‘If you don’t land this plane soon, I will die on this plane,’” he recalls. This then led to the pilot accelerating the flight.

Once the plane landed in Dubai, Jack was taken to hospital for additional treatment. He made a full recovery, but it’s safe to say the trip was completely ruined. He is now trying to call on airlines to take food allergies seriously. Was sprinkling cashews in curry really worth it?

Jack wrote: “I hope all airlines and cabin crew who come across this post take note. We are boarding your flights and trust the cabin crew to help us have a safe flight. Take extra care.”

TELL US – What are your thoughts on Jack’s experience? Should airlines stop serving foods containing nuts to prevent these types of incidents?

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