Lists were lost and won on the fifteenth season of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles,

Lists were lost and won on the fifteenth season of Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles,

Lists lost and won Million Dollar Listing in Los Angeles Season 15, Episode 2! Last week, our favorite real estate agents went back to work finding ways to keep businesses thriving in a challenging market. Things didn’t go well for Josh’s family either when Flagg accused Altman of ditching him on a joint listing. This week, Altman makes a tough decision about the listing, and Josh’s family makes amends. Here’s everything you need to know about MDLLA Season 15, Episode 2: “I Hate to Say I Told You So.”

Flagg gets a second chance with Carly, but not with Altman.

Josh Flagg On Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Season 15.
Photo: Giselle Hernandez/Bravo

Heather and Altman had owned the Redcrest property for 45 days and hadn’t seen any change. They shared their frustration with their co-listing agent/developer’s wife, Mandana. Altman told her they couldn’t show the property because of the short-term lease. Mandana didn’t want to give up the $80,000 a month rent that covered the house’s overhead costs. “The fact that I can’t do my job and help these people sell this house is what matters to me more than anything else,” Altman said. However, she eventually relented and said she would ask the partners if they would agree to not rent the house for a month.

Not all was lost yet with Flagg’s $16.5 million offer to Carly for her Beverly Hills home. Now she’d agreed to sell it if he could find her the home of her dreams. Easy, right? Flagg took her to Mount Olympus to see if the recently renovated 7,500-square-foot home met all her requirements. “The view is amazing,” Carly gasped, but it didn’t have six bedrooms, a garden, or a place to walk. Womp, womp. The clock was ticking because the $16.5 million offer was only viable for a limited time. They also discussed his relationship with Altman. Flagg lamented the two, “Don’t they look like the best friends we were this time last year?”

Tracy scores a win for her Crescent Bay property

Tracy Tutor In A White Dress As She Enters A Million Dollar Listing Home In Los Angeles.
Photo: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

Last week, Tracy listed her home in Crescent Bay, Orange County. She couldn’t convince the seller’s agent or the co-listing agent to price it below $8 million. That was until she received an all-cash offer of $7.1 million instead of the asking price of $8.775 million. The sellers initially laughed at the amount, but Tracy had a plan. She would counter the low offer by lowering the price to $7.995 million. That would raise their offer, and also spark a bidding war with new offers. The sellers finally agreed to list their home at the price Tracy had originally intended. Oh, magic!

Altman and Heather’s problems with Redcrest continued. But first, Altman had to vent his anger about Flagg. In a confessional, he said, “Tracy thinks, ‘Oh no, he’s different.’ Flagg is the same person. He’s still spoiled, lazy, traveling all the time, and doesn’t care.” So they’re going to be friends soon, right?

But Altman couldn’t dwell on Flagg. He and Heather couldn’t show the Redcrest house to a potential buyer because of another short-term lease. They were embarrassed, but Heather directed the buyer to meet at their Beverly Grove home. It was more affordable and, best of all, available for viewing. The buyer was interested, but because Altman had promoted Redcrest, he wanted to see it before making a decision. “When you do your job well, sometimes you get beat up,” Altman said.

Altman and Flagg put a bandage on their friendship.

Real Estate Agent Josh Altman Laughs While Filming Season 15 Of Mdlla.
Photo: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

In what I hope will be a recurring theme this season, Flagg continued his quest to learn normal office tasks by successfully scanning a document for the first time. Flagg proudly informed Tracy, but she was more interested in his hat. He was supposed to meet with Altman, and she advised him that he would never make amends if he wore it on his head. Meanwhile, Heather coached him on what to wear for Flagg and how to talk to him. The Joshes needed all the help they could get, but in the end it was up to them to strike a truce.

Altman and Flagg sat down and exchanged a tepid greeting. Flagg got straight to the point, telling Altman that his feelings were hurt because he hadn’t called to let him know he wouldn’t be showing the Redcrest property. Altman decided to explain in the third person. “Josh Altman works hard,” he said. “He’s shown the house seven times to seven of his clients.” Altman said he asked if Flagg could show the property, but Mandana said no because Flagg “doesn’t like modern homes.” Flagg called BS and pressed Altman again to explain why he hadn’t called him.

The atmosphere between them was tense. Altman admitted that he should have called, but there was more to the story than that. He felt that his friendship with Flagg was one-sided. Flagg never asked about his family or his personal life. This shocked Flagg because he thought this conversation would be about Redcrest, not about his emotional support for Altman. Which we all know is not Flagg’s strong suit. But Flagg rose to the challenge (it must have been the hat). He told Altman that he wanted to work out their issues and that his feelings mattered. This seemed to work, and the two embraced. But somehow, their issues remained unresolved.

swimming with sharks

Josh Flagg Strikes Deals For Mdlla Season 15.
Photo: Nicole Weingart/Bravo

Tracy’s plan to reduce the Crescent Bay listing to $7.995 million to attract offers fell through. She met the sellers at a restaurant with great ocean views to offer her condolences on the property. The market had hit again, preventing the house from moving quickly. One thing that worked in their favor was that the listing was relatively new compared to others. They decided to hold the current price and see what happens. “It’s going to be a long year for real estate agents and brokers across the country,” Tracy said.

While Tracy decided to keep the roster, Altman decided to get rid of Redcrest. I guess we didn’t have to wait all season to find out what happened after all. It was three months later, and their listing agreement was coming to an end. Altman recommended that Mandana be included on the MLS roster. It was a tough decision, but the right one. He thought, “You don’t win every time, that’s for sure.”

But Flagg won with Carly. He showed her a new home in the condos that met all the criteria, except for the ocean feature. He was able to close the deal for $14.4 million and get a $16.5 million offer on her Beverly Hills lot. Flagg and his housekeeper dressed up as sharks to share the good news with Carly. Carly appreciated their efforts in representing the ocean feature, and it was a sweet moment between two friends. Flagg noted that a lot of agents call themselves sharks, but that’s just rhetoric. “Who’s the shark now, Altman?” With this little provocation, it seems the two Joshs still have a long way to go in repairing their friendship.

Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles continues every Wednesday at 9/8c on Bravo.

Tell us – do you think Altman and Flagg’s friendship is on the right track? Were you surprised that Altman was removed from the READCREST roster from MLS?

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