Kyle Cook has always been the guy you want to watch in Summer House. the

Kyle Cook has always been the guy you want to watch in Summer House. the

Kyle Cook He was always the guy you wanted to watch summer house. The 41-year-old has not settled down yet and is still living like a 21-year-old boy. I have to say something refreshing about Kyle being just Kyle. I mean, who lost their swimsuit in the bay and came out of the water with a conch shell? The man doesn’t let much bother him. Until he gets backed into a corner and explodes, that is.

But it’s not always easy for Kyle. Kyle is pulled in multiple directions between juggling his marriage, his friendships, and his job. Many have noted that Kyle isn’t great when it comes to settling with Amanda Batula, but is there more to the story? The last episode showed Kyle finally losing his temper.

On the horns of a dilemma

I don’t usually feel bad for Kyle during Summer House, because he seems to have a pretty great life. But the last episode showed Kyle breaking down, and his tears pulled at my heartstrings. At one point, it looked as if Ciara Miller and Paige DeSorbo were teaming up with Kyle. I was a little surprised when two unmarried single girls felt they had the right to tell the husband how to treat his wife. As expected, the confrontation did not go well, leaving Kyle angry and crying into his bag.

Is Loverboy in trouble?

I’ll admit it: Kyle doesn’t seem to be the most emotionally connected when it comes to communication. As I watched him cry in his BMW, repeating over and over again, “Summer should be fun,” I felt sorry for him. But when he sat in bed with Karl Radke to vent, his outburst became more plausible. “There will be all kinds of opportunities for us to pursue our passions and interests and hobbies,” Kyle noted. “I hope a lot of things turn into money-making machines — some of which don’t need to — but that’s what I want.” Kyle attributed his tantrum to bad timing as he said: “The irony Here is that I was excited to hear that Amanda wanted to pursue these things, and I didn’t have in that moment to say, ‘Okay!’ because I live in a different reality with really high stakes.

For several seasons viewers have watched Summer House filled with everything Loverboy. Between the merch, drinks and coolers, you can’t look far without seeing some form of Loverboy product. But, according to Kyle, things are not well behind the scenes, referring to some financial issues. Although he did not go into great detail, Kyle added: “And I think she understood.”

Kyle needs an attitude adjustment

Even though my heart broke during the last episode, Kyle isn’t exactly a victim. Over the years, he’s said some pretty nasty things about his wife, which were completely uncool. When he first heard about Amanda’s desire to expand into her own business, he called it a “passion project.” The term was very insulting because it implied that she was unable to start her own business and was just a bored housewife. In a fit of anger, he stormed outside and threw his drink can.

Kyle then proceeded to blow the entire conversation out of proportion. “Okay, great,” he shouted and exclaimed. you know what I want? I want to be a DJ. I want to be a DJ. Want to become a DJ right away? Kyle’s behavior seemed dismissive towards his wife. Perhaps the most upsetting part was that after six months of arguing, Amanda had done nothing to make her dream come true, but Kyle had become a DJ. Amanda didn’t seem too bothered, as she told Summer House After Show viewers, “It’s definitely causing a midlife crisis, but I’m supporting it as much as I can.”

Honestly, someone has to be because goodness knows Amanda isn’t getting the support she needs.

TELL US- Did you feel bad for Kyle during the argument? Do you think he was chosen by Paige and Ciara?

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