Kim Zolciak must pay Target's credit card debt and court fees

Kim Zolciak must pay Target’s credit card debt and court fees

Kim Zolciak Problems are raising their heads again. This time, it’s her unpaid credit card debt that’s got her in a tough spot. But although religion may seem to be her most present problem, it is not her only problem.

Kim’s personal and financial problems are all over the place. As most reality TV fans know, Kim’s messy divorce from Kroy Biermann goes on and on. Making matters worse is the recent news surrounding the couple’s McMansion. Lucky for them, the former Real Housewives of Atlanta stars were able to delay foreclosure.

However, the fate of their home must constantly loom. Thus, it’s no surprise that Target’s credit card bill slipped right under Kim’s radar. Of course, given the coverage the story received, she probably always knew.

TMZ reveals Kim’s Target credit card bill

For those who have been following Kim’s ongoing woes, news of Target’s credit card debt may sound familiar. Now, TMZ has reported on the matter again, this time with a photo of a late payment bill from Target. The invoice shows charges of $2,482.24 that were due over a year ago – June 6, 2023.

In March 2024, a Georgia court ordered Kim to pay her Target card fees, as well as more than $100 in legal fees. In total, she was ordered to pay $2,613.38. Kim’s goal card dates back to 2007. In 2022, she began falling behind on payments. Her last payment was made in September 2022 for $500.

Target demanded payment but Kim seemed to ignore all of their demands. As such, the company filed a lawsuit against Kim. She never responded to the deposition, leading to the default judgment by the Georgia court. Of course, roughly $2,500 may seem like a small amount compared to Kim’s other financial problems.

TELL US – Why do you think Kim ignored the lawsuit? Do you think she will pay or continue to ignore?

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