Kathy Hilton is excited to reboot The Simple Life

Kathy Hilton is excited to reboot The Simple Life

Long ago, in small, slum towns across rural America, Kathy Hilton Daughter, aka Paris Hiltonand her equally rich friend. Nicole Richie It once flourished. Their chain, The simple lifeThat was exactly it. This show took two distinguished women out of their mansions and threw them into the more humble homes of others. Within these dwellings, these two people took on different jobs, in all different sectors, and the end result was always riots.

Paris and Nicole tried to connect with the sick and the rich, and no one really got mad. Instead, their new townspeople laughed right along with them, and helped them complete their assigned tasks. Real friendships were formed, and it was fun to watch. Now, thankfully, a reboot of The Simple Life is in the works, and Kathy is excited—and I mean Kathy, too.

Paris and Nicole “slip” again

Paris and Nicole are reunited, and as a mom, Kathy can’t help but think back on her daughters’ long-standing friendship. “You know what’s great is when they get back together. It’s like they’re still 12,” Kathy joked to Us Weekly. When these two child-like friends first signed up for The Simple Life , Kathy wasn’t nearly as excited.

“At the premiere, I sat them on the bed. I didn’t know where they were going. I wasn’t into it at all… and I was wrong. It was the funniest show,” she correctly explained. Kathy also described Paris as “creative,” noting that “The Simple Life” was “no swearing, no fighting.” [and] It was really cute and fun and silly.

As for what this reboot might bring now, Kathy reveals that “it’s going to be exciting,” since “the two of them are a dynamic duo.” Paris also has some things to say, saying, “We’ve been best friends since we were two years old. A lot of my best and most fun memories are with her.” [Nicole]What we’ve created together is something very special and it’s going to be very special. I’m very excited to do this for all the fans.

Overall, Paris explains, “This will be a reunion show about our friendship.” Paris is clearly excited about the relaunch of Simple Life, as is her mother, Cathy, and likely Nicole as well. Come on, ladies, because we need to laugh a lot right now.

The Paris and Nicole reboot is expected to drop sometime this year on Peacock. Until then, the original Simple Life series will be available for purchase on Prime Video.

Tell us – are you, like Kathy, excited to reboot The Simple Life? Why?

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