Joe Bradley Elena Debitich Had A Big Crisis After Filming

Joe Bradley Elena Debitich Had A Big Crisis After Filming

Now, it’s quite clear. under the surface of the mediterranean sea Spectators working on board Joe Bradley He really, really likes the ladies.

He couldn’t get away from the in-house staff and tried to impose his opinion on everyone except head chef Aisha Scott. Aisha already had a boyfriend at home (and now her fiancé), so she wasn’t interested.

By the end of the season, he’s persona non grata with almost every woman on the boat. But apparently, things only got worse once the cameras were turned off.

Jelena Debic is still jealous of Brie Mueller and Joe Bradley

Joe went from Bree Mueller to Elena Debitsch, back to Bree, and finally ended the season pursuing new hire Carrie O’Neill. Unfortunately, he got too drunk on the final night of the season to close the deal with Carrie, even though she was more than willing to, and ended up alone in his cabin. Needless to say, he left some hurt feelings along the way, especially regarding Ellie.

At about 3:36 in the video above, Joe claims, “I [still] “I’m friends with everyone. I can even say I’m still friends with Ellie. But she blocked me, just like she blocked Bree.”

“When we met each other in Florida,” Joe continues, “[Ellie] “I was talking bad about Bree like she was a rat, like she was nothing on earth. And I didn’t like it. She’s not happy that I’m friends with Bree.”

“I may be wrong,” Joe adds,[but] She doesn’t like the fact that Bree and I met in L.A. Nothing happened to her, that’s it. So what does she say?

“When he stayed at my house,” Ellie continues the story, “he bought me flowers and wrote me a nice card. I said, ‘Oh my God! That’s so sweet’… So I offered him a massage. I was offering him professional treatment. I was a masseuse on a cruise ship, [but] He was so freaked out! Wait. Most guys I know would take that as an invitation to sex.

Eli didn’t like being rejected – again.

“She said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just a massage,’” Joe says. But he didn’t want a “massage” from Ellie. “That’s the way it is. I have no sexual interest in [in her]”.”

“He panicked and told me he couldn’t come in for the massage,” Ellie continued, “because his grandmother is dying, she’s in the hospital, and he’s expecting a phone call from his mom any minute now. We’re in Florida. Your grandmother is in the UK. It’s 2:00 a.m. in the UK… Who calls you from the hospital at 2:00 a.m.?” Ellie clearly hasn’t had a loved one die in the hospital. They let you stay until all hours when someone is dying.

I accused Ellie Joe of making excuses… I didn’t intend to “harass” him in any way. Mind you, he told me he would never be able to post a picture with me, [he] “He never let me post the flowers he bought me, because he didn’t want people talking. Next thing I know, he’s in LA with Bree, posting 15 stories with Bree, and he’s rubbing it in my face.”

Then, Ellie blocked Joe and Bree on social media. “She’s 32,” Joe says. “We just had a great experience together. Did you block me? What about Bree?”

“I’m sorry,” Ellie explains. “You stayed at my house. You don’t even have enough respect to post a single picture with me to say thank you? But you go to LA and post all these stories with Brie? … I blocked him after that … We’re done.”

“[Bri and I] “We went out,” Joe said. “And we had a kiss, but that was it.”

All episodes of Below Deck Med are available to stream on Peacock.

Tell us – do you think Ellie just wanted to give Joey a “massage?”

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