In the latest episode of Race to Survive: New Zealand, the competition got...

In the latest episode of Race to Survive: New Zealand, the competition got…

In the last episode of Survival Race: New ZealandThe competition was turned upside down when River Guides were shockingly eliminated from the competition. The production team revealed the news to Spencer “Corey” Jones And Oliver Dave Just moments after they crossed the finish line in the fourth race, a producer claimed that Corey had killed and eaten a banned bird.

The tricky thing about reality TV is that there’s usually a lot more to the story than an editor can squeeze into a 45-minute episode. That’s certainly the case with Corey and Oliver’s elimination. The duo spoke to Reality Tea about what really happened when they were competing in Australia and how their dirty play could have led to their elimination.

He was excluded from Australia.

Oliver And Corey Talk About The Survival Race: New Zealand
Photo: Brian Finston/Usa Network

The River Guides team has been dreading this moment for a while. Their elimination was heavily hinted at in the trailer, so they’ve spent the past few months preparing for the backlash. On the show, Corey offered a heartfelt apology for breaking a rule, but Corey said the uncertainty of how it would play out on the show was causing concern.

“This day has been on my mind for a long time. I put a lot of work into preparing for this day,” Corey explained.

He said there were a lot of “lows” trying to process what happened during the competition, but fortunately he had Oliver to tide him over. Their friendship hasn’t suffered. They’re both very grateful for the experience, even if they didn’t walk away with the $500,000 check.

Looking back, they said it was easy to forget about the prize money when they were there. Corey said they were “having fun” at the races, so the money ended up in the back of their minds — especially when hunger struck. The same couldn’t be said for the rest of their competitors.

Were Oliver and Corey thrown under the bus in Race to Survive: New Zealand?

Cory And Oliver Sit On A Hill In Survival Race: New Zealand
Photo: Daniel Allen/Usa Network

When the producers announced that Cory and Oliver were being disqualified from the competition, they didn’t necessarily seem shocked. That’s because they had already been informed of the rule violation. They knew it was going to happen, and apparently some of their competitors knew it too.

“We have been contacted.” [by a producer] “At the third survival camp I was charged with this,” Corey recalls. “I confessed to it.”

Corey and Oliver advanced to the fourth race, but after the Coastal Climb Challenge, they were contacted for a second time about a rule violation. A producer informed them that a decision had been made, but they would not be informed until after the fourth race. This clearly disappointed them.

“In the second half of race four, we went into the race in a dark cloud,” Corey recalled. “We knew we were out, so we slowed down to enjoy the last part of our time there in the race.”

River guides explained that the rule violation had occurred earlier in the race. So why was it suddenly thrown out in the fourth race? It’s a mystery that has yet to be fully solved, but there are some strong theories.

“I think that amount of money could change some people’s lives when it’s right in front of their faces,” Oliver explained.

“They see us winning all the time, and maybe you sacrifice some of your values ​​to get that money. I have a feeling that’s what happened,” he added.

“The other teams were aware of it and were present and involved in this whole thing,” Corey added.

Ready for redemption

Cory And Oliver Look At A Map In Race To Survive: New Zealand
Photo: Brian Finston/Usa Network

Until their elimination, the River Guides had been in complete control of the competition. They were certainly poised to win the championship. The closeness to victory no doubt ignited their excitement, making the situation even more emotionally complex. Given the chance, Oliver and Corey would be ready to right their wrongs in another race.

“There’s still that drive to finish it and do the thing,” Oliver said.

“And now I’m a little angry about this too,” Corey added.

The river guides said that if they return for another race, there will definitely be some changes to their strategy. They want to improve their fishing operations to survive, and they are clearly staying away from local birds. Most importantly, they will treat the other racers with a more cool competitive spirit.

“I don’t think you’re necessarily going to see the same two guys,” Oliver explained. “I don’t think there’s a lot of trust between us and the other competitors we face.”

Race for Survival: New Zealand continues on USA Network, Monday nights at 11/10c.

Tell us – what do you think of the River Guides being axed? Do you think another team reported them? Would you like to see Oliver and Corey back for another season?

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