Gina Keough's Daughter Kara Attacks Her For The Second Time

Gina Keough’s Daughter Kara Attacks Her For The Second Time

Kara Q She had no problem telling her mother, JanExactly what she was thinking about her filtered photos. Basically, the previous photos were The Real Housewives of Orange County The star went on a mini editing tour after July 4.

Of course, Gina isn’t the only one who uses filters on her photos. Since the beginning of the Housewives, unfair beauty standards have crept into the show. Like most people, the Housewives want to stay young. And honestly, it’s hard not to feel sorry for them when they’re under constant scrutiny.

The understandable desire to look young and attractive unfortunately creates a vicious cycle. While the Housewives do their best to look good, their fan base often criticizes them. In Gina’s case, at least she has her daughter. Cara does her best to keep her mother humble.

Kara expresses disappointment in Gina.

On July 5, Jenna posted a photo with a friend that featured some obvious filters. Jenna’s wrinkles were smoothed out and some fans speculated that she had also whitened her teeth. Commenters were quick to notice, with one writing, “Where’s Kara to fix you?! You don’t need filters!”

Afterwards, Cara quickly made her way into the comments. “This isn’t it, sis,” she wrote. Cara’s indirect call for self-acceptance and body positivity resonated with other Instagram users. Most commenters agreed with Cara, encouraging her to ditch the filters in the future. This wouldn’t be the first time Jenna’s daughter has tried to promote more self-love and less editing.

On July 2, Jenna posted a photo of herself alongside Chip McAllister from The Amazing Race. The selfie was clearly edited, and Cara captioned it, “Delete it now.” When Jenna re-uploaded the original photo, Cara wrote, “This is my girl.” Hopefully, internet commenters can encourage fewer filters in the kindest way possible.

Gina is set to appear as a guest on season 18 of Real Housewives of Orange County, which premieres on Bravo on July 11 at 9/8c.

Tell us – what do you think of Cara’s candor? What do you think of the filters that reality TV stars use?

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