For the longest time, Mykelti Brown was the only alliance Kody Brown had when he was

for the longest time, Mykelti Brown It was the only alliance Cody Brown It was when it came to his older children. the Sister wives The star has done a great job of ostracizing his polygamist family thanks to his selfish outbursts of rage. But Mikkelti often chose to be Switzerland when it came to her father and Robin Brown, hoping to be the one to bring peace to the unstable family. However, after watching the most recent episode, Mykelti switched sides and called out Cody for his mistakes.

Kody Brown mocked Maddie Brown during a recent Sister Wives episode

Cody is not good at keeping his opinions to himself. While most adults know better than to talk about their kids, Cody seems right at home, throwing his older little ones under the bus. During the latest episode of Sister Wives, Kody called Maddie Brown a “gossip.” The father of 18 children went on to say: “They are deliberately leaving me out of their lives to punish me for a crime I did not commit.” During his fight with Robin, the gun seller said: “I saw Madison take her kids and snatch them away from me. She never told me she was pregnant. “She never told me she was going to have a baby.”

During the same episode, Janelle Brown, Maddie’s mother, shared, “The only thing the kids get upset about is the way he treats his family. He completely abandoned the way he liked. “And Maddie actually has no contact with him,” Janelle explained. “She’s very protective of her kids. Kody hasn’t been there since Evie was born, and Evie is 3½. She didn’t want him to come in and say, ‘Oh, I’m your grandfather.’ And they’d be like, ‘What?’ Who is this guy? You know what I mean?”

Mykelti Brown calls out Kody Brown

Issues with LDS Church | Sister Wives Tell All

Cody claimed in his confessional that it’s not fair to assume that grandparents can be in their grandchildren’s lives all the time. But to viewers and Maddie, it seemed like another excuse. Mykelti, Maddie’s sister, took it upon herself to call out their father for his reckless words. The Sister Wives star took to her Patreon to set the record straight. In a scathing review, she noted, “Instead of blaming the kids, or blaming how they felt about his relationship with his significant other, or blaming the parents, or blaming the gossip or whatever, if he just said, ‘Look, I “I understand I did something stupid. Wrong. I’m sorry. Can we talk about it? I feel like this would go a long way.”

Mykelti revealed to her followers that she had to tell her father when she deserved an apology. The mother of three noted: “I said, ‘Look, Dad, this situation happened. I needed you to do this for me,’ and instead, you did it. You blamed someone else, and because of this, we are having problems.” Mykelti then added. After she calms her father down, he usually takes responsibility but it’s a long way to get there.

Mykelti Brown has some good insight

“I had to go up to him and say, ‘Look, this is what happened,'” Cody’s daughter added. He took responsibility directly with me. He took responsibility – but During that impeachment, he also blamed someone else.” As Sister Wives fans know, this is an ongoing theme when it comes to Kody dealing with his issues. Mykelti went on to tell fans: “And what I need, and what I think all my brothers need, is just to not place any blame. Don’t necessarily take all the responsibility but say: ‘I’m sorry’. I know what I did wrong, how can I fix it, what can I do.” ?

Mykelti and Cody’s relationship is on the rocks. “He could still say, ‘I think you made a mistake, too,'” she added. But with some accountability, I feel like I would go far. Tony Padron added: “There’s a certain amount of pride that Cody shows, and at no point does he want to step down and admit a mistake, or lie down and be vulnerable. He refers to his kids in this very proud way, where he feels like he can treat these other human beings as equals because some of them Adults. But he doesn’t fully understand that they’re his kids… She’ll be in the fatherhood role forever and he never wants to step down and Tony was meticulous in his analysis and loss of the relationship, so let’s hope Cody listened to this particular episode.

TELL US – Do you think Mykelti’s words will reach her father?

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