Erin Andrews reveals why she feels nervous trying for another baby

Erin Andrews reveals why she feels nervous trying for another baby

Erin Andrews He’s thinking about another drive toward the end zone.

After fifteen months of sports broadcaster and husband Garrett Stoll Son welcomed Mac With the help of a surrogate, “we’re talking about trying it again,” she revealed in an exclusive interview with E! news. “I was very honest with my doctor a few weeks ago. I just said, ‘We were so thrilled with Mac’s birth and how wonderful he was, and I don’t want to go back to that place.’ “Of failing again, and I’m really afraid of it.”

Although she’s more familiar with the rules of the game at this point, having come out on the other side of a painful 10-year fertility journey, she’s nervous about tackling the process again.

“It’s crazy, because once you get your fertility doctor back on the phone and start talking about the trip again, the PTSD comes back to how bad you feel, how numb your body is, and just the fear of losing.” A 16-year-old girl recounted that she lost two fetuses before learning that her surrogate was pregnant with her son. “So, it’s a lot. It’s a loaded thing.”

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