Elizabeth Smart reveals how she manages her fears about her children's safety

Elizabeth Smart reveals how she manages her fears about her children’s safety

Elizabeth Smart She spent 20 years as an advocate for trauma survivors, and is willing to retell her horrific kidnapping story to prevent those still processing their experiences from feeling alone.

Or they are somehow complicit in what happened to them.

“When we’re out there looking at something, it’s very easy to judge it,” Smart told E! News’ Francesca Amaker In an exclusive interview. “It’s very easy to say, ‘Well, it wasn’t that bad,’ or ‘She could have left,’ or ‘She could have done this or that.'” Victims of domestic violence, they face the same thing, where people say, “You have a car; You have a phone, why don’t you drive away?”

She continued: “As someone who has experienced physical restraint, but also experienced having someone wrap mental chains around me, I can speak on behalf of the victims who have gone through this, and say that those mental chains are much stronger than any other mental chains.” physical chain.”

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