Danielle Cabral Announces Second Charity Event

Danielle Cabral Announces Second Charity Event

It’s time to re-do! Daniel Cabral The charity event “Party Like a Housewife” is back for its second season. The first edition led to a huge amount of drama. The Real Housewives of New JerseyBut she won’t let any critics get her down. Danielle just announced that they’re going to do it again, and this time, Jennifer Eden Not close to the guest list.

Partying like a housewife…again

As you probably know, Danielle hosted the same charity event last year and invited Jennifer and Teresa Giudice. Months later, once the RHONJ cameras started rolling, Jen accused Danielle of mistreating some of the guests at the event. She then went further by claiming that Danielle mishandled some of the money that was supposed to go to charity.

Of course, it was the drama behind the charity event that led to this physical altercation between Danielle and Jen. The fight nearly derailed the charity effort, but Danielle is going full steam ahead with the second annual Party Like a Housewife. She took to Instagram to share all the details and confirmed that her current RHONJ friends would be in attendance.

“Same script, different cast! Is Housewife 2 back?” Danielle wrote.

It all takes place on August 24, 2024, and this time, Jane and Teresa have been replaced by Rachel Voda and Melissa Gorga. According to Margaret Joseph, she was also supposed to be in, but had a scheduling conflict. Or at least that’s what she wants us to believe.

Regardless of all the drama, a portion of the proceeds from the Party Like a Housewife event will go to Sunrise Day Camp Staten Island. It’s a free camp that helps kids with cancer and their siblings have some fun. Those kids are the most important part of all of this, so kudos to Danielle for the effort she put in.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues on Bravo, Sunday nights at 8/7c.

Tell us – will you be attending Danielle’s charity event? What do you think about Danielle inviting Melissa and Rachel this time?

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