Caroline Stanbury and Sergio Carallo provide baby update

Caroline Stanbury and Sergio Carallo provide baby update

As fans know, the Real Housewives of Dubai star Caroline Stanbury And her husband Sergio CarrilloWe’ve talked about having a baby together. Well, Sergio really wants to have a baby. Caroline’s not keen on it.

Caroline is already a mother of three: 18-year-old Jasmine and 14-year-old twins Zac and Aaron. She’s not too keen on starting over with a baby.

But Sergio desperately wants to be a father, and she loves him. Hence the quest to have a child. They already have a frozen embryo and will likely use a surrogate, given Caroline’s age and previous pregnancy problems.

The obstacle has been removed.

Until November 9, 2023, surrogacy was illegal in Dubai, so Caroline and Sergio discussed finding a surrogate mother in Europe. But when the procedure became legal in Dubai last fall, new possibilities opened up.

The new law allows non-Muslim couples, whether married or single, to use a surrogate mother, as long as the couple provides eggs and sperm. The law also eases restrictions on egg freezing, allowing non-Muslim couples to keep eggs and embryos for up to five years.

Caroline explained that since surrogacy is now legal, the doctor who helped them create their embryo said he could refer them to an agency in Abu Dhabi, which is only a short distance from Dubai.

However, Caroline and Sergio are currently busy building a hotel in Bali, along with all her other projects. This might not be the right time to have a baby.

“How do I put a child in the middle of all this?” I wondered.

But Sergio, for his part, seems ready to pull the trigger on the surrogate. “His ovaries are burning up, and all he sees are the babies,” Caroline jokes. “And his really good friend, who lives with us, had a baby yesterday.”

Sergio’s father apparently went to Caroline and said, “Let’s have a baby,” Sergio added.

“He said, ‘I want a baby,’” Caroline revealed. “He said, ‘I’ll take care of it, and you won’t have to do anything.’”

“I won’t have a child with [Sergio’s] “Dad,” I explained. “Let’s be clear.”

The Real Housewives of Dubai airs every Tuesday at 9/8c on Bravo.

Tell us – do you think Sergio and Caroline will really have a baby? Do you think she really wants to have a baby?

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