Very funny and new stories, do not miss them!

Very funny and new stories, do not miss them!

Who among us doesn’t love a funny story?!

Each of us has his own funny story to tell, be it real or a figment of his imagination, and maybe it’s one he’s heard before, but the only constant is that funny stories touch the heart that stick. Minds are forever, no matter how old they are.

First story:

One of the most beautiful and funny stories…

She started her conversation with her husband without any introduction…

Wife: “Abdul Rahman, I will divorce you!”

Husband surprised and surprised: “What?!”

He repeated to her: “I want a divorce!”

He replied: “Present.”

So I asked him with annoyance: “What do you mean by the current word, God’s will?!”

Husband: “I’ll just do what I want for you, and I’ll divorce you, don’t my words mean anything?!”

Wife: “Don’t you want to know why I asked you for a divorce?!”

The husband calmly said: “You have mentioned many reasons before, of course you have logical reasons for divorcing me, and you must know your best interests.”

Wife, with disgust and disgust: “Do you mean that I am not yet young? Do you know that you married me . . .”

He interrupted him, saying: “Do not be sorry for my words, for you are young and know your best interests well.”

Wife: “Look, I’m small, but I have a big mind that can weigh the whole country.”

Husband: “Of course you are.”

Wife: “God willing, when will you divorce me?”

The husband replied, “Soon after I get back from work, Insha’Allah.”

Wife: “What are you going to do with the kids?!”

Swami replied to her: “You have complete freedom, I will do whatever you want, and whatever you want, I will not impose any opinion or control on you.”

The wife said: “I am not what I want, but according to family law, I will include the children in my custody until they each reach the age of eighteen.”

Husband: “I agree, even if you want indefinitely, I don’t mind!”

The wife wearily said: “Of course she wants to get rid of them so that she can marry a second time and enjoy a quiet life away from them. I have devoted my whole life to them and I have become like one of the waqf houses, bonds and a new one. Unable to create a family.”

Husband: “As you wish, don’t bother yourself a bit, I will take them under my custody, then you can get married and start a new family when your Iddat is over.”

Wife: “Since when have I been sacrificing my children?!

Husband: “I will give you everything you want.”

Wife: “According to family law I will take the house from you against your will.”

Husband: “I will give you everything you want.”

Wife: “Yes, you will leave it to me after you destroy it and of course you will buy a new house for the new wife with all her necessities, you have no difference between me and your children.”

Husband: “You mean the most to me and you’ve made the biggest difference in my entire life.”

Wife: “I will take sustenance from your eyes!”

Husband: “In my eyes, of course.”

Wife: “I’ll transfer all the kids to private schools, and I’ll charge you the full cost.”

Husband: “It would be best to ensure a good educational future for them.”

Wife: “And I’ll take the car from you.”

Husband: “The best thing you can do for me!”

Wife: “Tell me, where will you be after we take you home?!”

He answered her calmly: “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”

Wife: “Why should I worry about you? You’ll leave us alone, and you’ll leave me alone to raise the children, and you’ll have the most peace of mind.”

Husband: “May Allah make everything easy for me.”

Wife: “I will divorce you, but you will stay at home with us, I will not let you avoid the responsibility of your children and leave me alone to raise them.”

Husband: “Yes, I will do whatever you want.”

Wife: “Where are you going?”

Husband: “Go to the bathroom, and if you have a different opinion, I won’t go there, I’ll be patient!”

Wife: “Careful you don’t do your thing, or I’ll make a living out of you. I’m not willing to spend the rest of my life as a widow, and everyone around me will live on me.”

Husband: “Am I crazy?!

Wife: “Do you like the taste of this?!”

Husband: “The most beautiful cake I’ve ever eaten.”

Wife: “But I notice it’s not like that every time.”

Husband: “Up, it’s tastier than last time. Have you added anything new to it?”

Wife: “I changed the whole recipe but I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

Husband: “How is it possible that I will not like what my wife has done for me with her own hands?

Wife: “Of course, and you can have the nicest cup of coffee from me, as you wish.”

Husband: “May God bless you for me.”

Life goes on and love between those couples who do not know well about the reason for the quarrel between a wife and her husband, or there will be an increase in hormones that she lost, and perhaps due to lack of sleep, and perhaps fatigue due to a lot of pressure on her, and perhaps boredom makes her very More trouble!

Also Read: 4 Funny Stories From Juha That Will Make You Laugh From Your Heart Even If You’re Sad

Second story:

From very cute funny story to new style…

A year ago I was supposed to wake up my husband, my husband woke up with difficulty. So I decided to relieve myself, so I entered the bedroom, closed the curtains completely and put a white cover over my husband and dimmed the light and I whispered in his ear and asked him: “Who is your Lord. And What is your religion and what do you say about the one who sent you?

Suddenly, my husband got up from his place and started shouting and running around the room without stopping, saying: “Allah is my Lord… Islam is my religion… and Muhammad is my prophet and my messenger.”

Suddenly, he put his hand on the light button, and his eyes fell on me in a corner of the room, and I almost died laughing at him!

He grabbed his belt and continued to beat me until I said shahada.

Praise be to God, lord of the universe, I am healed and can easily walk on my feet, unlike the first one I pray for guidance for my husband, because my poor husband has no ability to handle jokes!!

Also Read: 5 Funny Stories To Make Kids Happy And Put A Smile On Their Faces

Short funny stories that make you laugh from your heart even when you are sad!

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