The story of jinn under the title of underground dweller! (already happened)

The stories of the jinn have their admirers and admirers, and in spite of their breath-taking events you find while reading them that at the same time they occupy your full attention and the intensity of that effect on yourself makes you feel as if you were immersed in their horrors.

Many times, when we mention the word horror, the first thing that comes to mind is that they are fictional stories, but they can also be stories that happened in reality, like our story today.

The story of the jinn of the underground dwellers:

It is considered as one of the most terrifying series of jinn stories…

My grandmother, my father’s mother had a habit that she always did, and she wouldn’t feel good and happy life if she didn’t do it, and at the end of the school year, every year she did it to visit her brother, who lived in the village, where we were in the city. I lived far away from him.

My grandmother decided that I would go with her to my grandfather’s house, at that time I was very happy that my grandmother always told me about him Bhai, whom she loved very much, and his luxurious house and vast lands that he divided into agriculture and made different farms.

Because my grandmother often told stories about my grandfather, whom I loved before I saw him, and even longed to see him, I counted the days and looked forward to the day when we would leave our home and city life.

We arrived at my grandfather’s, my grandmother’s brother’s house and everything seemed to me rather than my grandmother’s description of how small I was in front of my grandfather’s palace, I then realized that I would not be able to fully discover why we were in the palace because of its size. I felt welcome from everyone, for the first time in my life I realized the value of myself. People I met for the first time.

They all gathered round me, as my grandmother always spoke of me, and, owing to my repeated mention, a strong desire to see me and know me took root in them when we sat down to dinner, which was very sumptuous and surprisingly, during which I I haven’t been in ten years of my life and I got all this attention from everyone!

They wanted to stay with us until morning, but my grandmother dissuaded them and told them that her grandson was in dire need of rest and sleep because as soon as I went upstairs with my grandmother, he came to them and strange and suspicious things started happening in the bedroom!

Underground Man!:

To be honest, the first time I laid my body on the bed, I did not wake up until I felt the bed shaking with us, as if I had screamed out loud, and my grandmother woke up to see that she was Ayatul Kursi and Al- Reciting Muaubi Datain Suddenly, the people of the house led by my grandfather rushed to us and then my grandfather said my grandmother don’t worry, these are underground people!

Underground people?! And what life is under the ground? ?!”

Instead of my grandmother, my grandfather answered me: “They live in the house, my child, but they are not harmful at all. They welcome you!”

I was shocked, and the shock and fear that I felt I threw at my grandmother, who hugged me tightly. I change my mind, and she promises me lots of sweets.

We were supposed to sleep again, but I could not do so, though I was young, and then I saw a long shadow in black clothes, so long that my eyes could not see the end of it, and my grandmother was sleeping beside me, and I watched her until dawn. I could not speak about his presence.

When dawn came, he disappeared, and I woke my grandmother with tears in my eyes, I told her that the house was haunted by jinns and demons and that we must leave it until we returned. We have actually changed the bedroom and do not expect!

The room we went to was even uglier, the next night when it got dark and we went to sleep, there was a tap on the window and I heard my grandmother say: “We are at peace, don’t leave us alone. Hurt you!”

His words had a great effect on me, I was overcome with fear and panic and again the same black silhouette appeared to us from the window, but this time it was so short that I concentrated on his features, which were not there. Honestly, her face was like nothing I’ve ever seen in my life, she wanted to scream for us to help but I couldn’t even hear my voice!

He used to bother us all night, and we couldn’t scream, as if he was controlling our thoughts, our minds and even our movements, when the second dawn came in a row, I decided not to stay there even for a second. My grandmother agreed with me. If something bad happens, we’re back in our house, even though I was young then.

We kept telling each other about the jinn’s presence at my grandfather’s house, my grandmother gave up the habit of visiting his house, so my grandfather came from time to time with his love of the farm and started trying. to convince my grandmother to meet him, but she vehemently refused.

For Jinn story lovers, we have selected a collection of elite Jinn stories on our website for you:

The Story of the Jinn by Abu Talal al-Hamrani is the story of the Jinn-infested area in Kuwait

Also: Tales of the Jinn of Old Kuwait Road is a scary story that actually happened

A popular artist sang at Jinn’s wedding under the title of Terrible Jinn’s Story!

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