The story of Jin under the title of the cursed tomb!

The story of Jin under the title of the cursed tomb!

There are many stories about jinn which are based on true events that actually happened and we all know that despite the breathlessness, heaviness of the body and the horror that fills our hearts while reading such stories, we enjoy reading them and reading them and them. Enjoy everything that happens with us in time.

The story is called Tomb of the Cursed:

It is considered to be one of the most terrifying and strange stories of the jinn at the same time…

We all know that the things we fear the most are the graves, especially when darkness descends, you see them lying still in them whoever enters it seems as if his soul is suspended and what happens inside it. It is influenced by even the lightest breath!

Graves are always capable of instilling fear and greater terror in people and none of us can deny that they raise tension and the most worrying thing is that they raise one’s curiosity to a degree that can cause great harm. him

He speaks…

It happened long before me, on that day, my father left us, may God have mercy on him, on a hill far away from our home and in a lonely place. I was one of those who went to bury my father and bid him farewell, and After the burial was completed, everyone came back exceptionally!

Despite their serious efforts to get me back with them, I loved being by my father’s side and my father was the dearest person in my heart. I couldn’t bear to mourn her departure, I couldn’t bear the thought of her being alone in the dirt, away from me.

I was still young, and the first death in my life I remember that at that time something happened to my mind and I did not understand what happened to my eyes. Tears did not dry for a moment I was miserable that day.

All my family tried to persuade me to come back with them, and some of them tried to comfort me and stay with me, but I rejected them repeatedly saying that it is not wise to be alone in a cemetery when there is darkness around you. The expressions became even more horrifying when they said that graveyards were a place and a place they were surprised and disapproved of wanting to be alone with him at night!

Although I insisted on their return, I remained alone by my father’s grave, may God have mercy on him, reciting what I had memorized from the Holy Qur’an and all the credit for it, as he always requested. And encouraging me to memorize the entire Holy Quran. Suddenly, while I was reading and tears were flowing from my eyes with the intensity of the separation, I heard a voice from inside the grave and I kept going until I reached the grave!

Could it be my father’s voice?

I yelled for the cemetery guard, who didn’t come running with me and with obvious panic in my voice asked him if he heard a voice like mine?! That he heard nothing and left me alone and took me home.

I was convinced that I heard a voice from my father’s grave, a voice that sounded like a scream, as if someone was calling for help, I went to my uncle and asked, “Is my father really dead? And were you sure he was probably in a coma and if we buried him alive?

My uncle was surprised by my statement and told me that my father met with an accident, and although he was resuscitated and underwent several surgeries, he never regained consciousness, and he was unconscious for about a month, and on the day he passed away, his Heart, brain and all body functions stopped, then how is it possible to bury him alive?!
Something inside me told me that my father was still alive, and these screams were cries for help from him, so the next day I went to the cemetery and read the Qur’an there and prayed to God Almighty to have mercy on him. And forgive him until it was dark, and I didn’t notice when I heard the same scream, so I went to the source of the sound until I was surprised to read what was written on the grave of my father from the cemetery next to me and who wrote it, but I was surprised to see a name deleted strangely.

I went to the guard of the cemetery and gave him a description of the cemetery and how to erase the name written on it. I asked him to whom it belonged and when the owner of it was buried I confessed to him how loud I had heard this suspicious cemetery. Two days in a row.

The answer of the cemetery guard was like a thunderbolt that struck my heart, he said to me: “My son, didn’t I warn you not to be alone in the cemetery, especially when darkness falls?!” Their world, for their world is not like ours, I will tell you and cool the fire in your heart. This is the graveyard of an old woman, and in her life she was a witch and sorcerer. Except in his life of harm, loss, and dealing with the evil servants of the jinn. Since you were buried, my son, I have always heard nothing but the most terrible screams, but I have interfered with nothing, and his name has been blotted out in such a way that I saw him as one of those who had harmed him. Life.”

I left the cemetery and haven’t been back since. The strangest thing is that the old lady’s voice still haunts me sometimes.

For lovers of jinn stories and for fans of horror stories, we present to you a selection of the most wonderful stories through our website:

The Story of the Jinn by Abu Talal al-Hamrani is the story of the Jinn-infested area in Kuwait

Also: Short Realistic Genie Stories

The Lover Jinn is a true story of Jinn and Demons

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