Sad and painful Arabic stories to the point of tears

Sad and painful Arabic stories to the point of tears

Is sadness good for our health?!

The subtle features that sadness paints on our faces help the immune system by telling everyone around us to isolate themselves at home when they are sad and avoid seeing anyone, no matter how much we love them. He regains his strength, and moments of sadness are among the best moments that pave the way for further improvement by thinking carefully about how many mistakes a person has made throughout his life.

We know that it is sad to see someone we love suffering in front of us, so we all believe that sadness is a deadly thing, but we all have the right to be sad.

First story:

One of the most beautiful sad Arabic stories, despite its sadness, it has an underlying lesson…

A good husband, who was very good, found God’s heaven after his separation, leaving behind their only five-year-old daughter.

Her caring mother was still alive, and she cared for her granddaughter with the best possible attention, but her mother died two years later, leaving her torn between her daughter and her work, so the father was forced into a marriage. A virgin girl who was over forty years of age to help her raise her daughter.

He promised her that she would be a good mother to his daughter, but in complete contrast to what he did, he beat her and insulted her all day and even when her father was not at home, and innocently, he did not pity her. He also threatened to beat her severely if she complained.

Her husband took her to the doctor without telling her to give birth and make her heart happy she had no idea what he was doing with her daughter and when the doctor told her she was a huge surprise for him. was barren!

Her husband consoled her and told her that God was pleased with their daughter, and together they would do everything to protect her and thank God for her. But he increased his abuse of the little girl when she was more than seven years old, and her father noticed how weak she was, all she needed was for him to tell his wife that he wanted to go to the doctor to examine her but his wife prevented him from doing so and gave many excuses.

As for the father, he was worried about his daughter, especially since she always screamed in the presence of his wife, put her hands on her head and fell to the ground many times while getting up. He told his wife that his grandmother wanted to spend a few days with her granddaughter and he wanted to feel some comfort by serving her and her daughter and release her for a few days as well.

She prepared some beautiful clothes for him and warned him not to say a word, he took his child to the doctor and here he realized the extent of the pain he was suffering. Seven-year-old girl suffered from bad choices!

The doctor told her that her daughter had a lot of ants in her brain and needed urgent surgery. She told him that his wife was tying her hands and feet with sugar in her nose and ears, and the ants would come and eat the sugar!

He breaks down from his bad choices and goes to his wife, and only his neighbors want him to know one thing: what did his seven-year-old daughter do to him?! Even once wanted to call her my mother, but the police came and arrested her and she lost her temper and was admitted to a mental hospital.

For the daughter, she regained her health, her smile and her security, and her father refused to risk her again and became her mother and father.

Second story:

From Sad Arabian Tales…

There was an old woman in a town who lived in a small, dilapidated house. She had a husband who had left her and he was all that was left of his family, and she returned tired all day to her small house so that she could support herself and her hand to none other than Almighty God. Cannot expand.

One day, a rich man bought a huge piece of land next to her and decided to build a huge palace and the old woman would go to her small house and come back and she didn’t notice the changes that happened around her and she didn’t care at all.

In a short time, the luxurious palace was built, and the rich man once looked out from his huge palace and saw the old man’s small house, he asked one of his: “Whose? Is this a hideous house?

She told him: “This is an old woman, sir, who lives alone and works all day and comes home every night.”

The owner of the palace told him: “Demolish the house immediately, its ugly appearance disfigures my beautiful palace!”

He said to him: “How is this possible, sir? For him?!”

The rich man scolded him, threw him out and ordered his men to demolish the house immediately as he was an unjust and tyrannical man, they obeyed his orders and demolished the house during the day and when the old woman returned he did so. Do not find his house or his ruins in the first place.

The old woman was deeply saddened, and in this land she was alone and weak, so she raised her hands to the sky and complained to the Creator of the injustice that had been done to her. It was only three days before a mighty earthquake that the rich man and the luxurious palace were on the ground, and The thrust of God Almighty (and my majesty and my majesty, I will help you, though after a while).

And also, dear readers, read more of our interesting and enjoyable stories: very sad, painful and very tearful stories titled breakup without date.

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