Long story titled turning dirt into gold!

Long story titled turning dirt into gold!

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The cutest long story…

If you are one of those people who always want to turn dirt into gold, then I want to tell you that this desire is not only you, there are many people over the years who spend a very long time desperately trying to turn dirt into gold, and these people are called alchemists. has been Despite going through many experiments, this wish is still a wish in reality, but is it really possible to turn dirt into gold?!

A long time ago, a young man lived with his wife, whom he loved very much, because of her intense love for her husband, she could not help him at all. Her husband was spending all his time and trying to turn dirt into gold and to support the family. There was no time to work.

One day, the wife decided to talk to her husband about everything that worried her and she said to him: “My dear husband, I see that you are trying all day to turn dust into gold. That I love you, and I want you to stop doing this.” He said with a smile on his face: “Everything I do I do for you, and one day you will thank me for what I do.”

The wife was afraid to respond immediately to her husband, but deep down she knew that she could not live with her husband until she saw with her own eyes what he was doing. She went to complain to him about his actions and if her husband continued on his way and insisted on his opinion, she said to her father with tears in her eyes: “My father, every day from morning to evening my husband works hard to turn dirt into gold. , there is not much time left and we will run out of money, and every time I talk to him I try to convince him not to listen to me.”

Her father understood what she wanted, and on the same day he went to see his daughter’s husband and said to him: “I want to tell you a secret. Have you kept it from me?” When I was your age, I was an alchemist like you, and I wanted to turn dirt into gold, I went on experimenting for years, and after many years and hardships I discovered the secret.

His son-in-law’s face lit up with joy and he asked him: “Did you really find the secret?”

His father-in-law, who is very wise, replied: “Yes, I have discovered the secret, but when I got to it, you see, I am old and it is difficult. I did not trust anyone younger than I was then.

At this moment, the wise man looked into his son-in-law’s eyes and spoke directly to him: “But now I have found someone whom I trust blindly.”

Hearing this his son-in-law was very happy and his face was filled with happiness and joy like the joy of a small child and finally he got what he wanted.

So the wise man began to tell him the secret, saying: “In the beginning, two-thirds of the secret is in the silver powder, and this powder grows on the back of the banana leaf, so we must plant banana seeds in vast areas, and while growing them we must use magic. To do magic, which I have been searching for every day.” Collect the equivalent of two pounds of silver weight from this magic powder.

His son-in-law told him: “But it will take hundreds of banana trees.”

His wise father-in-law answered him: “For this very reason, it required a lot of hard work, so I was unable to do it, but now I can lend you all the money you will need for rent. Land, it is cultivated, and we We want to pay attention to the smallest details until the silver powder arrives.”

The ambitious young man did not waste a second, his dream, which was his lifelong passion, because of the secret that enabled him to turn dirt into gold, he immediately rented a large plot of land. Prepare it, and plant banana seeds in it. Every day he did not hesitate to remove weeds, remove pests and take good care of every plant in the land.

Days passed, and as soon as the trees matured and settled on their stems, the young man removed the silver powder from the back of their leaves, but he found that it was too little, so he had to plant more bananas, and it took him years, But at last he collected two pounds of silver from the powder.

He quickly ran to his father-in-law to tell him that he had enough silver powder, so what was the next step?

His wise father-in-law replied: “Very well, I must fetch a bucket of dirt from the banana plantation I have planted. “

The young man did not understand this, but he did what his father-in-law asked him to do, he filled a bucket with dirt from the banana plantation, returned to his house and asked his wife to go with him and the two. Among them went to his father’s house.

The wise man asked his daughter: “Daughter, what did you do with the banana while your husband was saving the silver powder?”

His daughter replied: “I sold it and kept all the money.”

His father asked him: “Can I see the money?”

The girl looked at her father for permission and after a while returned to them with many gold coins. The wise father took a bucket of filth and threw it on the ground, and heaped the filth in a heap, and before him was a heap of gold, and said to his son-in-law, “Now see how you can turn filth into gold?”

Finally, the young man learns a very valuable lesson that one cannot turn dirt into gold without hard work, patience and perseverance.

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