Children's Story Title: The Magic Solution to Turn Dirt into Gold!

Children’s Story Title: The Magic Solution to Turn Dirt into Gold!

Who among us did not enjoy hearing a funny story as a child?!

I remember when we were kids and read stories, we would have an exciting adventure with the hero of the story and we would feel the suspense and excitement for the carefully crafted plot of the story that holds morals and values ​​within its folds. We’ve all made these beautiful, humiliating memories.

Short international stories contain many memories that you can create with your children, as they aim to recreate all these feelings with the child by reading useful, expressive stories with objective values.

The story:

It is considered as one of the most beautiful, beautiful and wise stories and tales for children…

Who among us doesn’t dream of turning dirt into gold?! , there were many scientists who spent a lot of time arriving at the equations and experiments that would enable them to turn dirt into gold.

Despite all the past years, no one has been able to achieve the goal, and the question remains: can dirt turn into gold?!

We reported that there was a husband who lived with his wife in an ordinary village, and they both loved each other fiercely, and only one thing disturbed their happy life, which was her husband’s passion for conducting many experiments to turn dirt. . the gold

The wife was so worried about this that she could not sleep every night, her husband spent a lot of time, which he completely failed to provide for the necessary household expenses.

One day, the wife felt the need to address her husband, so she said to him calmly and tactfully: “My dear husband, you spend all your time trying to turn dust into gold, I’m afraid that all our savings are going out.”

The husband answered her in a voice filled with passion: “I do everything for you, my love. One day you will see the results.”

The wife then realized that she was in great need of help, and the next morning she went to her father’s house and told him the whole news, complaining with tears in her eyes, because of the difficult situation her husband had found her in, and he had given her a lot. loved

She asks her father to intervene in this matter and without telling anything to her husband her father promised her and asked her to take all her belongings from her house and go back to her husband and not put her in her pain and misery.

Early the next morning, the wife’s father went to her house to see her husband and talk to him, and the first to sit down next to him, he said to her very passionately: “I hear that you are trying to turn dirt into gold.

The husband said: “I will definitely do it, but I think I still need more time.”

His father-in-law said to him: “I know that it is possible to turn dirt into gold, you do not know about me, I was a chemist at your age, and I had a strong desire. Like you, to turn dirt into gold and obtain great wealth, but I have been for many years. Then I discovered the secret.”

His son-in-law was happy and said, “Did you really get the secret?!”

His father-in-law answered him: “Yes, I reached the secret, but it was too late when I started researching. I was as young as you, but when I discovered the secret, I was already old enough. It is too much for me to do. It was difficult; at that time, I didn’t know a young man I could trust.”

As the father spoke, his son-in-law jumped for joy and said, “You can trust me.”

The father smiled contentedly and shook hands with the son-in-law, and said to him: “Have you ever heard of the silver powder on the back of a banana leaf?!”

The husband nodded in agreement, and his father-in-law continued: “Then you must plant banana seeds in the arable land, while I will teach you the magic words that I learned after many years. Serious research, and as soon as the plants are ready and their fruit is ripe, the plants must remove the powdered silver from behind the leaves.”

Swami asked: “How much of this powder do we need?”

His father-in-law replied: “As much as two pounds of silver.”

The young man realized that the work was neither easy nor easy, and he began to rent vast farmlands and produce hundreds of banana seeds on them, but his father-in-law lent him the necessary money to cultivate the land and everything they needed until they reached production.

In fact, the husband put his full effort into the land, and he took good care of it, taking care of when to water, removing noxious weeds and doing all the necessary work to ensure organic fertilization and silver production. The powder was satisfied for him.

And when the trees were planted on their sticks, while he was at work collecting the silver dust, his wife gathered the bananas and gave them to her father, who sold them at a high price in this condition, and as soon as the husband was able to get hold of some silver dust… Two Like a pound of silver weight, she ran to her father-in-law, who asked her to do the last thing and bring a bucket full of dirt from the same land, which the husband did.

He asked his daughter to bring him the money he earned from bananas and she actually brought a bag full of gold pounds. So the wise old man put the dirt and gold pounds in a pile and said to his son-in-law: “By your hard work, you have turned dirt into gold.”

Swami finally understood what his father-in-law meant and from then on he worked hard to acquire extreme wealth and after a few years he did.

Also read The Summit and Greatness: 3 Meaningful Children’s Story Writings here

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