A short fairy tale titled The Devil and Black Magic

A short fairy tale titled The Devil and Black Magic

Black magic is that magic in which strange spells and talismans are used, which may result in the use of demons and jinn to influence the hearts and bodies of others (those with whom they seek magic).

Magic is forbidden by God Almighty and is one of the greatest major and reprehensible sins. It came to us in the two Sahih books on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: (Avoid the seven reprehensible sins. It was said: What are they, O Messenger of God? So he said: Polytheism with God.) Sorcery, killing a soul which God has forbidden except by right, consuming usury, consuming an orphan’s wealth, turning away on the day of battle, and slandering chaste, heedless, believing women.

The story of Satan and black magic:

The author tells the story and says: “One day my father decided to take us to dinner outside the house. My mother wore the most beautiful clothes and made me wear the most beautiful dress I had while I prepared my baby brother. It was a very beautiful day, and at the end of the day we had a traffic accident on the highway. My father was sitting Next to my mother in the front seats, and as for me, I was hugging my baby brother in the back seat. My parents died and nothing happened to me and my brother!

Although it was a beautiful day, it ended with the ugliest thing in existence. We lost our parents and became orphans of father and mother as well. We had a single uncle who loved us because of his love for our father. My father always recommended him to us, and as soon as the news reached him, he rushed to the hospital to discover with great shock that our parents They took their last breath as a result of the painful accident, and my brother and I became orphans. He did not hesitate for a second to take us to his house, so that we could live with him, his wife, and his children.

I moved with my baby brother when I was ten years old at the time, and we stayed at my uncle’s house, but from the first moment I did not feel comfortable at all. My uncle’s wife’s gazes followed me wherever I went, in addition to her extremely bad and indescribable treatment in my uncle’s absence.

I pledged to myself that I would bear the full responsibility of my younger brother so that my uncle’s wife’s burdens would not increase and her hatred for us would increase as well. In fact, I rarely left my room, and I would not eat any food except when my uncle brought it to me. I was completely isolated from them in order to avoid my uncle’s wife’s murderous looks. Days passed and I became fifteen years old, and that’s when my real suffering began. Every night, I would have a terrible nightmare. I would wake up to find its marks visible on my body. An ugly old woman would come running after me to get me, and despite my desperate attempts to escape from her, she was still in control. Every time she would hurt me and hurt me, I would wake up with the marks clearly visible on my body.

After a period of time, the old woman began to come to me when I woke up as well. Whenever I found her in my room, I would scream with the loudest voice I had. My uncle’s wife would accuse me of pretending to be doing what I was doing, and even though I saw her as a visible object before my eyes, no one saw her except me, neither my uncle nor his wife nor None of his children, not even my little brother!

Because of my great suffering, my uncle’s wife was able to convince him that I was in dire need of going to a hospital for mental illnesses. Although he repeatedly rejected the matter, in the end he complied with her request, and new suffering began in the hospital. After a full month had passed, the director called my uncle and informed him that I did not need to go to hospital. None of the medications and my mental state has nothing to do with it!

I returned to my uncle’s house, and I found my uncle’s wife disappearing from the presence of her children around me, fearing for them. So I waited for my uncle to return and informed him that I wanted to go to my grandmother, my late mother’s mother, to stay with her. My uncle was angry, especially since he was attached to us because we were the only remaining memory of his entire family, and when I insisted on my decision, he agreed to my going. But he refused to let my little brother go.

So I decided then to go without him, especially since my uncle’s wife treated him well, and from the first day I arrived at my grandmother’s house, the poor old woman disappeared from my wakefulness and even my sleep, and I never saw her again at all. She became very happy, and when I told her everything that had happened to me, she took me and took me to a man as soon as he saw him broadcast. Fear was inside me. I stayed with my grandmother for three months. During them, I did not see any of my fears and sorrows. I studied regularly and made up for everything I had missed.

At one point, I decided to go to my uncle’s house to check on him and my little brother. I also missed them very much. As soon as I told my grandmother about it, I found her in a very difficult and strange mood. I found her threatening me that if I left the house, I would never return to it again, and that I would have to suffer all my life. From the old man!

I was astonished by her conversation with me. I begged her for an excuse, as she missed her only daughter, and since I bear many features of my mother, I certainly remind her of her, but I returned to my uncle’s house. She had hurt me with her talk and her manner with me, and from the first moment in my uncle’s house, she returned to me as the old hag, so I tied the threads together to finally conclude that… My grandmother bewitched me to go to her!

I told my uncle this bitter truth, and he in turn brought me a dear friend to him, and he read the entire ruqyah to me so that all the signs of magic appeared on me, and he began the journey of treatment, and here I found my uncle’s wife, her views changed and she became closer to me, and in fact she compensated me for the departure of my mother, and from that day on, he became our uncle, our father, and my wife. Our uncle and our mother.

The moral of the story:

Not all of our assumptions are sound, and we cannot imagine treachery coming to us from whom?! Life is full of many sad stories that come as a major shock to us.

We cannot give advice except by fearing God and delegating all our affairs to Him only.

Read also, dear reader:

Black magic in the lover’s grave and from love what was killed

A true horror story called The Book of Black Magic

Scary jinn stories titled damned black magic!

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