A difficult reading is a children's story titled, and the reason is the Kingdom of the Ants

A difficult reading is a children’s story titled, and the reason is the Kingdom of the Ants

It has been observed that younger children respond better to stories.

There is a close relationship between a child’s listening to stories and the growth of his linguistic vocabulary, which makes him interact more socially with those around him, especially when he is encouraged to read and work on his own. by doing

Stories, such as literature, fill every space around us and waiting for someone to benefit from what they contain, we provide many useful and valuable stories for our young children. Seizing them and narrating to their ears.

The story:

One day there was a little boy eight years old who was so lazy that he did not want to do any work that he was too lazy to play, which many children of his age enjoyed.

Whenever his mother asked him to do something, he hesitated and did not try to change himself despite his mother’s grief over his work and his feelings of sadness, and despite his mother’s numerous complaints to his father to do what was required of him and his lessons. His father’s request to work hard for his studies, he does not always influence him.

The mother and father were dismayed at the condition of their only son and began to look for a solution for his treatment, especially when a person is accustomed from an early age to pray for him to be righteous and prosperous in every obligation of prayer, and the matter is at such a stage in him. It developed that he began waking up during spells of prayer to his Creator and begging Him to change the condition of his only son. .

One night, the child was lying in bed watching a cartoon about the kingdom of ants and he didn’t care what fell on his bed and didn’t put the rest of his food in the kitchen, he kept his own, which his parents couldn’t change him!

The procession of the queen of ants stood far away and the ants walked regularly with all kinds of tasty, delicious food and they were walking in amazing perfection.

The child found a group of ants whose only goal was to serve the rest of the ants. The child also noticed a group of ants who were giving orders to the queen and doing nothing else, but he saw everyone working happily and contentedly, and everyone was working tirelessly without getting bored or looking at the others, bored or even complaining.

The child saw the movements of all the ants around him, he was brooding for a long time and began to analyze the actions of the ants around him doing nothing but standing, sitting, sleeping as they forced him out of the hole by force and violence as they lethargic. After getting rid of the ants, they all went back to their work.

At that time the child had a strong fear that he would end up like the lazy ants if any of them saw him in their hole, so he hid himself well and did not make a sound, but he continued on. Look at all the situations around him and learn from the ant kingdom. As the movement around him calmed down, the little ant that had been hiding him inside the burrow since the beginning approached him and informed him in a low voice that now was the best time to leave the hole unnoticed. kingdom of ants

The little ant said to him in a very faint and halting voice: “I know for sure that you were afraid and trembling when I was working I was afraid for you lazy ant he is an ant and of our race, but they did not pity him because of his laziness, then What about you when you’re an intruder an imminent danger to us all?! But I know you’re in good spirits I’ll get you out of the hole safely, but never come here again, because then I’ll have nothing for you and you’ll be theirs. All must face!

The kid rushes out of the hole, immediately wakes up from his sleep the kid turns off the television and thinks about the tough lesson he saw in his dream and he decides that… along with his whole life, the decision he made That was once and let go of idleness. For all and no return to it.

The child got up from his bed, and the first thing he did was tidied up his entire bedroom that it was extremely clean, he was surprised at his condition and hugged him tightly. He couldn’t believe his eyes with the intensity of joy and his father rewarded him to see the change that happened in his little one that made him… He rejected laziness all his life he grew up, he became one of the most successful achievers. .

For more children’s stories, we can visit the following links:

3 meaningful children’s stories written among the most beautiful things you’ll ever read to your kids

Also: 3 Purposeful Educational Children’s Stories

Purposely written children’s stories that are very short and very useful for your children

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