4 short stories with valuable and expressive lessons

4 short stories with valuable and expressive lessons

In our Arabic language, a story means a story about some news of a particular time, and it is never devoid of lessons and wisdom as a method that the Holy Qur’an has come to guide people to the right path and the path of guidance. Story in general has a great impact on people’s souls you find that when you tell them a story, they give you their full attention, unlike anything else but a story.

First story:

One of the cutest short stories about honoring parents…

There was a mother who beat her son constantly, probably every day, and when she hit him she didn’t care whether it was in public or in secret, and it didn’t make any difference to her.

The strange thing is that her son never cried or complained about his mother’s harsh treatment or even tried to run away from her, instead she stood by him!

Many years passed, and the boy did not cry or complain about his mother’s frequent beatings, the little boy grew into a man and became the blessed husband of the child, and his mother still beat him, perhaps daily, in front of her children and her condition. Set an example of patience and even contentment.

One day, his mother hit him in front of everyone, and the boy cried so hard that his entire beard got wet. After that, when his mother left, the people around him asked him, to end the confusion that was in their minds, on this special day you Why did not cry, asked to know the reason behind it?

The man answered them, still crying: “How can I not cry when I feel that my mother’s strength has failed when one of the gates of Paradise is about to close?!”

Also Read: 7 Very Short International Stories

Second story:

A very expressive story of short story that reveals the state of the world and how to deal with it to survive…

One day, a drop of honey from a hanging beehive fell on the ground, he went to her and wanted to taste the honey, but she liked the taste of honey, so she wanted to leave again, but she stayed with the delicious, delicious honey for the longest time. was determined.

And look, the ant decided to enter the honey drop and started to enjoy the honey, but when he wanted to tie his feet to the ground and completely immobilized his movement, he kept trying to get out of the honey drop until he died!

The world is like a drop of honey, a sip of honey will bring salvation, and one who drowns in its ocean of pleasure will perish.

Also read: 3 expressive short stories, don’t deprive yourself of their benefits!

Third story:

was a very ambitious young man who was successful in his professional and educational life as well and to enjoy the happiness of this world he wanted to marry her possessing many qualities, character, religion and superior beauty untainted by any fault.

The young man found a girl who met most of the characteristics set by him. The young man and his family agreed to visit the girl and her family to marry her. The young men prepare themselves for their daughter and for that auspicious day.

During the legal vision, the young man was talking to the girl, and after the young man finished talking to the girl, he suddenly stood up and said in front of his family and the girl and her family: “I don’t want her as my wife!”

They were all surprised at his position, so the girl asked him the reason for his refusal, and he immediately and without hesitation said: “You do not have in your eyes the image I seek.”

The girl was very angry at his actions and said completely calmly: “Let me ask you a question if one day you buy something, let’s say a computer, and it turns out to be faulty, would you blame the computer that did it? The computer?!” The young man replied: “I blame the computer, of course, but how can I blame the computer?!”

The girl said with a satisfied smile: “Now you are blaming the builder for his work, so you are blaming my Lord God for the defect in my eyes!”

The young man was highly impressed by the girl and her level of confidence in herself, the extent of her religiosity, her intense dreams for him, the extent of her knowledge of Almighty God, her unique style of dialogue and everything, but he was in for the shock of his life when he told her: “I will take you as my wife and I will overlook the defect in your eyes.”

The girl gave him a more effective reply: “Who said I should accept your proposal of marriage?!”

(Beware of hurting anyone. You have every right to choose, but beware of broken thoughts about it!

Also Read: Funny Short Stories

Fourth Story:

One day a woman called a sheikh about her religious ceremony…

Woman: “May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”

Sheikh: “May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”

Woman: “Oh sheikh, I am not harmed my husband is also very well and my children’s level of education and education is good anyone would want a little.” Before she could finish her question, the sheikh shocked her and asked her: “What sin did you commit fifteen years ago? ?!”

The woman was shocked by his question and the way he asked it, but he answered her and said: “Sheikh, my husband’s mother was blind, and one day when she was walking beside me, I put my foot in her path and she tripped and He fell on his head, touched the edge of the jagged wall and died instantly. “For fifteen years nobody knew about this secret.”

The Shaykh said: “Do you know that your Lord, the Most High, is angry with you, did you not know one day that a believer suffers in all stages of his life, and you do not remain from what you say? Aggrieved by what you have done to this poor woman, God Almighty has turned His eyes away from you.”

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