3 of the cutest funny stories that will make you laugh despite your wishes!

3 of the cutest funny stories that will make you laugh despite your wishes!

Laughter has many benefits that cannot be enumerated, but we can mention some of the benefits of laughter from a medical point of view, laughter strengthens memory, increases creativity and concentration and helps to learn faster. Laughter strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels by increasing their blood flow, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease.

First story:

One of the most beautiful and funny stories…

He appeared in a video clip of Rail, and all his features looked extremely tired and exhausted…

“I would like to give you the essence of my experience while raising my daughter. To raise your children always… Always, while carrying your child you must stand or walk around the house with no destination in mind. Sit down. Think.”

And then he sat in his back seat, and the cry of his baby girl, who was not yet four months old, he stood up in fear and said: “Say I didn’t do it?!”

The man appeared in another video after some followers suggested him to do some tricks as he was trying to express his hardships of taking care of his little daughter alone and he said: “Okay, I will take your advice and do some malicious tricks. Maybe my little girl will feel sorry for me and let me rest while I carry her, even if only for a little while.”

At first she tried to sit up very slowly, with the intention that her little girl would not notice it, but as soon as she stopped moving, she looked around to see that her father was sitting, and then he was screaming. That way stood him immediately!

He went to the second method and tried to distract him, and then he called his voice and sang to him, and sat on the back seat of him, and he immediately ran to the side!

The third and final trick was that he sat in the chair and decided to cry and scream before he did, and before he cried and screamed he did… “I hate this chair… this chair I don’t want to be in it so bad. ..

He began to do this and cry out, and the little girl looked at her father in astonishment, as if something was wrong with her, whenever she pretended to cry when she realized that he was sitting with her, and as soon as the features of her face Changes and she starts crying, she finds him in front of her. The child finally surrendered to reality!!

Also Read More Funny Stories Via: 3 Funny Stories That Will Make You Laugh Even When You’re Sad

Second story:

One night, his wife decided to be alone with her husband and asked him some questions about how much she loved him. She dressed herself and put on her best clothes and said with a cheerful face: “Would you allow me to ask you some questions?! “

He said with a warm heart and a smile on his face because of his extreme happiness with her: “Of course.”

She said: “Would it be your choice as your boyfriend’s wife if you were in a room full of beautiful girls and said you could take any girl?!”

“I certainly wouldn’t choose anyone else,” he replied.

He yelled at her: “Why would you be in a room full of girls in the first place?!”

Her husband was shocked and didn’t know what to answer, so he said to her: “Let’s move on to the second question, my love.”

He said: “Imagine you are in your car and a very beautiful girl approaches you and asks you to take her to a nearby place what would you do?!”

The husband did not think on his part and immediately said, even if he was deceived: “I will immediately run him over with my car!”

The wife said, “Well, that girl is me and you rushed me with your car!”

What did the husband do when he broke down laughing so much?

His wife kept saying, “Are you going to leave me one day or your best thing?!”

He told her: “My dear, you are my favorite thing in this whole life.”

He said in utter panic, “So, you consider me one of your assets?!”

The man began to lament his fate, and said: “I confess, I cannot conquer you”!!

Also Read More Funny Stories Via: 4 Funny Stories From Juha That Will Make You Laugh From Your Heart Even If You’re Sad

Third story:

During a religious ceremony, a wife called, and her husband was sitting next to her, she wanted to ask the sheikh about something about his religion, but whenever she was able to reach the sheikh, she asked him: “O sheikh, if I am in this world Leave, is it forbidden for my husband to be alone after me?!”

The Sheikh replied to her, “But I believe that if you leave this world, your husband will not be alone.” The sheikh did not know what her husband would do next to her so she turned to him and asked: “Is what the sheikh said true?” Did you tell him anything about our life?

Sheikh burst out laughing even though he couldn’t contain his laughter at the sight of this woman, who was still asking her husband: “Are you really going to marry another woman when Ali dies?!”

Finally, Hala, her husband, said: “My dear, you will not die before you kill me, so let your heart rest in peace.”

He said to the Shaykh: O my Shaykh, is what my husband said true?!

The husband was almost going mad, and the Sheikh could not control himself from laughing so much that he could not answer him, and he could not cut short the call or even get out of it.

So the husband held his wife’s face and asked the sheikh, “By God, our sheikh, tell me, is this the face of the wife who is going to die?! The husband was buried before he was buried with his own hands!”

Sheikh Sadr was coughing because of so much laughter, and everyone in the program rushed to help him, and on live air, the wife ended his call by saying: “You know, my husband, I will not die and you will. Not die, but it is clear. That Sheikh will die”!!

Also read more funny stories via: 5 funny stories to make kids happy and put a smile on their faces

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