3 children’s stories, take advantage of them for your children

O wise mother, I give you this valuable advice… You must always look for everything new in the way of education and upbringing so that you can get the best results in the character and characteristics of your children.

We are all confident and sure that you will always choose the best and most suitable for your children and truly, you will not find anything better than these fully written short stories to present to them and our sincere invitation from your beautiful heart. ..

First story:

One of the most beautiful children’s stories…

It is said that one day, far away from everyone’s sight, there was an island, where all the feelings and emotions lived, one day the sea came to the island so dangerous that it almost drowned the whole island.

Naturally, all the senses and senses were terrified, and their panic reached the point of helplessness, except for Love, who in a short time managed to build a big boat so that they could all escape with it, to board the boat with Love, and when they were on the way to salvation. , then he lost them all, so they were all with him except for one feeling, he insisted on knowing his identity, it was pride to surprise him!

Prem came back with all the feelings and emotions to come to him, so Prem tried to convince him, but he insisted on his position at the moment, all the feelings and emotions asked Love to leave his pride and go back to the boat to save his life but Love was the love of all. Above, therefore unable to leave Abhiman alone, prefers to be with him. Feelings survive without love, which died in pride!

Therefore, children, we must not allow our pride to overcome the feeling of love in us, no matter how great it is and no matter who we love in our hearts.

Also read more children’s stories: 3 short bedtime stories for your convenience

Second story:

One of the most beautiful children’s stories…

It is mentioned that there was a rose of extreme beauty, and the strange thing is that it lived in a barren desert where there was hardly any water. This rose became arrogant because of its extreme beauty, so it was extremely deceived. It was always resented for its stunning beauty and complained about the presence of a cactus next to it.

This rose found this cactus ugly in shape and appearance and had no right to be next to it. Like how ugly the cactus was and how bad its smell was, she was very patient with the actions of the haughty rose, which continued to harass her over and over again. times

When the actions of the rose intensified, the rest of the trees intervened to advise it and correct it, but what they did to the rose was in vain.

The rose barely managed to rise to its feet, and suddenly saw a strange thing that approached the cactus, which was always calling her ugly words and stuck its lips inside the cactus out of extreme thirst.

The rose realized something very important and it was the reason for saving the life of a bird who felt extreme shame and regret for all that the cactus had done, he did not hesitate to ask for some of the water stored inside it so that he could save his life, which was about to end at any moment. was at risk, without even warning, and as the rose timidly sought it out, she found the cactus pouring water on her, helping her survive the extreme heat, live and survive the unprecedented drought.

Therefore, children, we should not judge those around us by their outward appearances so that we do not regret it, as happened to the rose that was proud of its beauty and lost it for a very trivial reason. We also learn a valuable lesson from patience: to forgive and forgive when we are able, for this is the mark of the righteous.

Also Read More Children’s Stories: 3 Meaningful Children’s Stories Written Among The Most Beautiful Things You’ll Ever Read To Your Kids

Third story:

One of the most beautiful children’s stories…

It is said that one day there was a group of five frogs, and one day they were sitting perfectly safe and calm on a big lily leaf until one of the frogs decided to jump into the water.

If I ask you now: “How many frogs are left?”, what will your answer be?!

If you answer four frogs, you will be proud of being very good at maths, but I am not writing this story to give you a lesson in maths, but this story is to give you a lesson in life.

The correct answer, my child, will be five frogs on the big lily leaf, the frog decided to jump into the water, but in reality he did not jump, and will not live like this and the clock. You are a lot of work in this life, and you must play your part. do

Read more children’s stories: Children’s stories under the title A difficult lesson and the reason is the kingdom of the ants

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