viagramof - Zamalek Club revealed a new escalation step against Gabonese professional Aaron

viagramof – Zamalek Club revealed a new escalation step against Gabonese professional Aaron

Popendza – Romanian Bucharest player

viagramof – Zamalek Club revealed a new escalatory step against Gabonese professional Aaron Popendza after the decision of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) to restrict him to Rapid Bucharest of Romania.

Zamalek spokesman: We will file a complaint against Bobendza

Ahmed Salem, the official spokesman for the Zamalek club, said in his statements to the “Zamalek” program, that granting the Romanian Bucharest club the international card to Aaron Popendza is normal.

He added: “Zamalek He is preparing to file a formal complaint with FIFA against Bubindza. The deal file is open to the Board of Directors and the matter has not been decided yet.”

Salem also denied the receipt of any official letter regarding doping after the African Super Cup match, after news spread about the positive test of Moroccan Mahmoud Bentaek.

He continued: “All the news that dealt with the positivity of the Moroccan Mahmoud Bentaik sample is incorrect, and we have not received any official letters in this regard at all.”

The Zamalek team is preparing to meet Pyramids on October 20, in the semi-finals of the Egyptian Super Cup, which will be held in the Emirates.

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