viagramof - Mortada Mansour, former president of Zamalek Club, commented on Friday evening on...

viagramof – Mortada Mansour, former president of Zamalek Club, commented on Friday evening on…

Mortada Mansour – Zamalek Club

viagramof – Mortada Mansour, the president, commented: Zamalek Club The former, on Friday evening, confirmed reports linking him to taking over the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pyramids Club, during the coming period.

Mortada Mansour: The presidency of Zamalek is unmatched by any honor

Mansour confirmed that he will not assume the presidency of Pyramids, and will retain the title of president. Zamalek Club The former, as he would refuse the presidency of Real Madrid or Barcelona without thinking, if the matter was offered to him.

Mansour wrote on his Facebook account: “A message to those spreading rumors that I will take over the presidency of Pyramids Club. Shame on you. If I was offered the presidency of Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​I would refuse without thinking.”

He continued, “With all due respect to Pyramids Club and its owner, the presidency of Zamalek Club, which I had the honor of chairing for twenty years, an honor that is unmatched by any other honor.”

The former Zamalek president added: “Therefore, if I was offered to be the president of America or the former president of Zamalek Club, I would keep this title even if I raced for the rest of my life.”

Mansour concluded his speech by saying: “Enough of this nonsense and false rumors that only exist in the imagination of patients and those who spread them. Oh, you losers, Daladeel Abbas, wait for the surprises to come.”

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