viagramof - Ittihad Club of Jeddah announced, this evening, Wednesday, that it has partnered with a company to monitor

viagramof – Ittihad Club of Jeddah announced, this evening, Wednesday, that it has partnered with a company to monitor

Al-Ittihad Club – Saudi League

viagramof- Announced Club Jeddah UnionThis Wednesday evening, we partnered with a company to monitor and analyze sports data, in order to develop sports work in the club by harnessing modern technology and taking advantage of smart data.

Blanes: We seek to discover talent

Nadi pointed out Saudi Federation In his statement on his social media account, the contract with the leading and specialized consulting company Driplab comes in line with the goals of Vision 2030 in completing the digital transformation.

He stressed that by adhering to the accurate and reliable DripLab models, he aims to enhance his efforts in discovering and developing talents and making strategic decisions, as they provide the club with access to accurate analytical data that helps complete the comprehensive evaluation processes of players and the team’s performance, selecting emerging talents and other technical decisions.

Al-Ittihad Club will have access to the most advanced analytical models, and will also benefit from specialized consulting services, which helps the club benefit from the knowledge and experience of the company’s team of experts in the field of data-driven exploration.

This contract reflects Al-Ittihad Club’s commitment to adopting advanced technology as a main tool for developing sports, which supports its endeavors to remain at the forefront of sports clubs.

For his part, Ramon Blanes, Sports Director of Al-Ittihad Club, said: “We are pleased with this cooperation with Drylab because it represents an important step forward in our mission to employ advanced technology in all our operations.”

He added: “Through this contract, we will benefit from Drylab’s extensive experience in enhancing talent discovery, strategic decision-making, and improving overall performance, ensuring that Al-Ittihad Club always remains at the forefront.”

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